Chapter Eight

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"Don't worry, Ishan... your medical reports will only stay within the four walls of our clinic." Dr. Sharma assured, as he saw the cricketer fidgeting before him, "There are strict rules regarding the privacy of our patients, and I'll make sure yours is kept just as sacred."

"Thank you so much, Doctor..." Ishan let out a sigh of relief.

He walked out of the clinic, the thought of confronting Shubman buzzing endlessly. Just as he got into his car, his phone sounded a notification .

Shubi♥️: Ishu, my place at 8?

Ishan quickly typed back a reply and drove back home, trying to keep himself  from overthink, without success.

Even as he reached home, his mind was spinning in endless loops, his heart was bouncing between the moon and the ground.

Thoughts of his life, his career, his family,...

How would they react to this?


Would he accept them?

And the fans?

They'd be horrified without a doubt..

His teammates; would they be distant or supportive?

His thoughts swam in an ocean of uncertainty and doubt.

He felt like he was making a mistake deciding to keep the baby... should he?


But everytime he'd gently run his hand through his abdomen, he felt a tug at his heart.

This was not nothing..


Ishan softly patted the sonogram hidden in his pocket as he buzzed the button at the entrance to Shubman's luxurious appartment.

He nervously shifted from one foot to another as he waited for the younger to open the door. This was the moment of truth.

He couldn't even imagine how Shubi would react to the news, his brain supplied the best and worst scenarios both in equal amounts.

Ishan's thoughts were interrupted when the door opened with Shubman looking downcasted, dark circles visible under his eyes.

He silently ushered the older to walk inside and followed suit.

They say on the sofa next to each other, the atmosphere felt suddenly awkward, which was unusual for them.

"Shubi, I-"

Fuck it... Ishan thought.

If he really gonna do it, he might as well go all the way.

Shubman sat up, all his attention on the older as he patiently waited for what came next.

"Shubi, I've known you for over seven years now; I've seen all sides of you, as strangers, rivals, roomates, best friends and eventually a little more, but I've looked at you in a million ways too, and loved you in every one.."
Ishan's eyes were already tearing up under the weight of his confession.

Shubman noticing his best friend's turmoil, immediately sat on his knees in front of him and cupped his cheeks.

"Hey, Ishu... I love you too, nothing to cry about tha-"

"No! Not like tha-that..." Ishan's voiced choked.

Shubman's eyes widened in realisation as he withdrew his hands suddenly from the sobbing boy before him.

"I know... I know we promised neither of us would catch feelings and I- " Ishan raised the long sleeves of his sweater to wipe his tears, "I tried with everything I had in me.. to not see you that way, but everyday, I was lying to myself because... I ... I'd always been on love with you ever since the first day we met eyes.. Shubi I'm hopelessly in love with you! "

"No... no no no..." Shubman immediately stood to his feet and rubbed his face, almost looking frustrated , "Ishan don't... don't do this."

"I don't care how you feel.." Shubman's voice sounded cold and foreign, "I don't reciprocate your love, so don't try to force it on me..."

Shubman's heart broke as he said the words. There was nothing more he wanted to do than run to the boy, the object of his desires and embrace him in his arms for eternity.

But then the society and it's norms loomed behind his back like dark evil shadows.

He had to do this... keep his distance.

"But Shubi..." Ishan tried to speak between sobs, he'd seen the rejection coming a mile away, still his hopeless heart needed something to hold on to, "I have to tell you something else-" he reached his hand inside his pocket to take out the sonogram when Shubman suddenly grabbed him by the arm as he harshly dragged him towards the door.

"Ishan I said enough! I don't want to hear another word from.  We had clearly agreed on sex with no feelings involved, you've ruined everything.."

The younger threw him across the entrance as Ishan almost tripped but regained balance with a protective arm around his abdomen, which Shubman failed to notice .

"Shubi, please.." Ishan felt pathetic as he begged, grabbing unto the younger's chest, "It's not about that.. I'm -"

"I'm back with Sara, I love her... I've always loved her...not you" he spat angrily and tightly wound his hands around Ishan's wrist and pushed him away.

He slammed the door and groaned out... he pinched his temples, his own tears threatening to fall.

He had convinced himself Ishan would get over it. He would get over it...

At the end of the day, Shubman was hungry for success more than anything else.

At heart, he was still the five year old who wanted nothing more than to be crowned King of Cricket.

Anyone could judge him for it, but he didn't care, he'd placed his own family second to cricket... what was another pretty boy?

Little did he know, years down the line, he'd realise he should've tried. Ishan had been worth the fight, but by then maybe, just maybe, he'd be too late.

A/n:  So.... kaisa laga, mere pyaare readers?💞💗🥹 (Trying to butter y'all up after writing a devastating chapter..🤣🤣)

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