Chapter 3

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Narrator: MC

I wiped the sweat off my forehead with my forearm when we finally finished moving the two tents of the girls, thanks to Kiyone's help. (I was still getting used to the fact that she was a woman in this universe.) We managed to move the girls' tents much faster than I could have on my own without any help.

It also took us both much less time.

I glanced at Kiyone from the corner of my eye; she was much less sweaty than me. Even the masterpiece (in this world being a woman) couldn't avoid sweating in the intense sun. Fortunately, the trees shielded us from the direct sun hitting our faces.

Kiyone had a good figure, and I could see how her white shirt clung a bit to her form. My eyes paused at her backside before moving down her legs. Before I shook my head, trying to prevent lewd thoughts from entering my mind.

Damn it. I won't deny that she looks more beautiful up close. I hope I haven't been too obvious or forward. I don't want my reputation to fall any lower than it already is.

On the other hand, to my unfortunate luck, despite the shadows from the trees, the sun was giving off a terrible heat. It made me reconsider how Horikita could be cold in this excessively hot weather. So, I let go of speculating and looked at Horikita sitting on a log with her arms crossed; I noticed she was rubbing her arms as if it were cold, and I couldn't see a drop of sweat on her exposed skin.

I've never experienced that kind of fever. Of course, I've had a fever, but never to that extent. It makes me wonder what bacteria Horikita got to be in such a state.

I didn't realize that as I thought about Horikita's health, my vision shifted to the ground, so I had been staring at the forest grass for a good couple of minutes. I only snapped out of my thoughts when someone put a hand on my shoulder for a few seconds, making my muscles tense before looking over my shoulder.

Kiyone tilted her head, looking at me for a moment before commenting, "You don't have to worry about Horikita. She'll be fine. She's so stubborn; she won't withdraw from the exam."

I stared at her for a few minutes before sighing in exasperation.

That's exactly what worries me; if she doesn't withdraw, then we're going to lose.

That's what I meant, but I didn't want Kiyone to get more interested in me than she already has, so instead, I said, "I guess you're right about Horikita. Although I'm more concerned about the underwear thief," giving the best reasonable excuse I could think of.

Kiyone raised an eyebrow with curiosity, "Do you have any idea who might be the person who stole the underwear?"

I bit my lip, debating whether to tell her if I already knew who put the underwear in Yamauchi's suitcase or to say that I had a suspicion about who the person was.

After briefly debating it, I decided to go with a half-truth. "I think I know who stole the underwear, but I'm not sure, so I was going to find out before the end of the day." I checked my watch; it was 33 minutes until 10 a.m.

The girls woke us up super early, so I've been working with Kiyone in the scorching sun for quite some time. Besides, my body wasn't used to working for so long, so I was breathing much faster than usual. Ike's body wasn't in shape, but it wasn't neglected either.

I looked in the direction where Ibuki was. It seems she's been watching me or more specifically looking in Kiyone's direction as if wanting to talk to her, but she didn't because I was with her. Now that I think about it, wasn't this the moment when she approached to talk to Kiyotaka?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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