CHAPTER 37: Surprise.

Start from the beginning

"Your going to find the true one for you soon." Haerin says and hugs Jake tighter, Jungwon noticed and felt touched, so he went up to them and hugged them too.

"I want to apologize for what I've done wrong." - Jake

"And maybe I want to just be a priest." Jake said.


Minji's jet has now arrived at the airport, "Ms Pham, Mr Pham. I'm here at the airlines parking lot. My body guards are going there now." Minji was in phone call with Hanni's parents.

But not so long till they arrive, Minji felt a soft tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Hanni's parents, they opened their arms for there soon-to-be daughter in law, if Hanni agrees.

They plastered a smile for Minji, Minji smiled back and led then to the jet. "I hope you take good care of my daughter." Mr Pham said to Minji.

They enter the jet and Mr Kim's eyes open wide. "Bro?" Mr Kim asks, Mr Pham's eyes opened wide as well.

Mrs Pham just pulled Minji out and sat beside her, "They're best friends." Minji nodded and kept in looking at them sweetly.

"Minji, you hope you take good care of my daughter." Minji's gaze fixed at Mrs Pham. "My daughter Hanni has been wanting to be married to someone who she loves. And she talks about you a lot, it looks like she really loves you." Mrs Pham smiled at Minji.

"I will, always." Minji and Hanni's mom stared deeply into eachothers eyes. "I also heard about what happened to you and her, she kept on crying every night for missing you." Mrs Pham softened.

"But it was all Jake's fault, I hope you two recover from that. Now Jake is planning, maybe, to become a priest." Minji nodded again and sat in their seats.

"Excuse me fellow friends, this flight will take long because of the air condition." Pilot Jay announced.


"Where's Minji!?" Hanni asked angrily, it is late at night. 8:49pm, Hanni had been waiting since six. And she's getting annoyed and embarrassed.

"Ugh! I'm just gonna go home!" Hanni stormed out of the park, she felt like she was about to burst into tears because Minji wasted her time, and this beautiful outfit was wasted.

She grabbed a taxi and got in, the taxi driver noticed and felt bad, "No need to pay ma'am." The driver says. He drove real fast to her chosen destination.

When she got in, she quickly went to the elevator and pressed her chosen floor.

When she got in she took a deep breaths and opened the lights.


A thud echoed in the room, Hanni jumped and started to investigate the sound from where it was. Then a tap went to her shoulder, Hanni turned around and she saw no one.

She looked down and saw Minji kneeling down, "Hanni, my. First and last love. The girl who always puts a smile on my face and never fails to let me laugh. The woman who I loved the most." Hanni's eyes grew wider.

"Will you marry me?" Minji asks seriously, "Yes Minji! A thousand times yes!" Minji stood up and hugged Hanni. Tears formed into Minji and Hanni's eyes.

The two shared a tender and sweet kiss, Hanni snaked her arms into Minji's neck.

They let go and the two looked into eachothers eyes. "Why don't you look behind?" Minji moved to the side, Hanni saw her parents again.

Hanni ran to her parents and hugged them tightly, Minji and her dad hugged eachother. "Weddings when?" Mr Pham asks.

"W-why not tomorrow?" Hanni said. Everyone just laughed and nodded. "Anything for my baby girl." Mr Pham hugged his daughter and his in-laws.


"You two, we are going to sleep now okay? We are very tired from the flight." Their parents headed to their rooms, so the two could have their alone time.

"Minji, you know in the park I've waited so long?" Hanni confessed to Minji. Minji held Hanni's hand, "Love, its because of the air condition in the sky. I will do anything for you to forgive me." Hanni looked at Minji.

"Anything?" Hanni repeated.

"Anything." Minji said, Hanni gave a smug look at Minji. She hovered up on top of her, and stared at her. Hanni leaned in closer to share a deep and passionate kiss.

But it because slowly sloppy, both of them didn't want to stop this. Hanni was about to take off her shirt but Minji stopped her.

"We should do this at your bedroom, your room is sound proof." Minji lifted Hanni and ran to the bedroom.



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