CHAPTER 36: Visit.

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Third person's POV:

Months have passed and Minji and Hanni's relationship has been very good. Jake, is in therapy at the hospital, "Mr Jake, do you want to do those bad things again?" His therapist asked. Jake looked at the therapist and shook his head.

Tears formed in his eyes, his therapist saw it and smiled as she went over to Jake, she hugged Jake and kept on patting his back. "It's fine, just don't do it again." Jake bobbed his head and sank in his therapist arms.

The therapist took his phone, "J-jungwon, I'm sorry for what I've done. I should just let you graduate college." Jake apologized.

Jungwon was now a professional therapist, and his Boss before has now been in a hospital, and has been his patient. "It's fine, past is past." Jungwon caressed Jake's hand.


Jungwon released the hug and stood up, "Your mom's here Jake, see you tomorrow." Jungwon helped Jake stand and took his things.

The door opened and it revealed Jake's mom, his mom plastered a warm smile. She went over to her son and hugged him. "Thank you a lot Jungwon."

"My pleasure."


Minji knocked at the large doors in front of her, she tried to ring the bell also. "Ugh, dad where are you?" Minji sat at the Statue beside her.

The doors flung open, that made Minji jump out of her seat. "Who's that?" Mr Kim asks while holding his phone. Then he had met eyes with his daughter.

"Minji!" Mr Kim opened his arms wide, his eyes were getting tears and so was his daughter. Minji ran to her father and hugged him tight. "I tried to contact you but you don't answer! Because your too busy!" Minji cried out.

Mr Kim caressed his daughter's back, Minji just cried on her father's shoulder. "Not anymore sweet heart, I have time for you and your lover." Minji continued to cry, she missed her father a lot, she tried to figure what time is her father free so she could go to Korea, to she her one and only father.

"I know what you've gone throught dear, please recover from it." A tear dropped out of Mr Kim's eye, he had missed his daughter too.

Hanni was left in America, Minji asked a thousand times if she would like to come with her to Korea. But she declined it every time because she wants Minji and her father to talk about their personal things. And Minji is only staying there for a week.


Hanni walked around the mall together with her friends, she had been realizing that they have been acting weird. They talk about marriage, kids, their wedding stuff. Even if they don't have a lover, yet.

"Hanni! When do you think your getting married?" Dani asked. Ryujin kicked Dani's feet and glared at her, but Dani plastered a smirk on her face.

Hanni's eyebrow raised up, she looked up the sky. "I don't know?" Hanni responded, "When you have a wedding, do you think that your parents are going to come?" Dani asks again, this time, Ryujin smacked Dani's shoulder.

"What?" Dani asked angrily, "I don't know." Hanni answered again, Dani's mouth turned into a smug. She laughed, and ate the last piece of her fry.

"Let's check that store out" Ryujin Pointed out, "Yeah why don't we?" Yeji agreed. The latters went up to the store and got in.


"Dad do you think that this looks good?" Minji asks her father, Mr Kim looks at it for a while. "Looks perfect Honey."

"How much is it?" Minji looks at the price, it is sold for $5,500. "Not that bad, do you have money? I mean I can pay for it." Mr Kim took out his credit card. But Minji pushed it away and took hers, "I can." Minji swiped her card and took what she bought.

"But you have to tell this first to her parents before you do it, and so they can go to America as well." Mr Kim smiled at his dear daughter.

"I just wish your mom was here." Mr Kim confessed, the two hearts ached. Minji noticed her dad almost bursting into tears of how much he missed her. He was fighting all alone.

"I know dad, I know." Mr Kim clenched his fists, Minji took his hands and leaded to the exit, when they got out, Mr Kim went to his car and so did Minji. "Dad! I'm just gonna get something okay? Pack now flights tomorrow!" Mr Kim gave Minji a thumbs up, then Minji left.

"My, my, Minji. You've grown fast, I haven't even seen you for so long. I just hope that this surprise will be affective." Mr Kim held out a teddy bear, he pressed it and it made a sound.

"My Minji, you're growing up so fast. Have a nice life my daughter." The recorded voice of Minji's mom said. Then he took out his, it was a puppy. He pressed the heart shaped on the middle of his chest. "My love, move on. You and I will always love eachother." Mr Kim breaks down after hearing this recorded voice of his wife.

It was late at night, but in Hanni's dorm. Random noises escape out of Hanni's mouth.

"Yippee! Minji's coming home now!" Hanni exclaimed, she kept on jumping on top of the bed. Until a her phone made a sound. She checked it and it was from her mom.

It said. "I hope you like the surprise."



Stay curious guys. And stay tuned! Update later night!

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