CHAPTER 30: Normal lives.

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Third person's POV:

Minji isn't done with her work, outside the moon peaked up time by time. Workers started to leave one by one.

"Minji, Haerin and Yujin are still with you. And you two, you have each other. I will take my leave now, cause we have a family reunion tomorrow. Please excuse myself." Leeknow packed up and walked through the door.

He stopped on his tracks and reminded this to the three. "All bodyguards are still here, they will be here until 10:00pm" Then Leeknow finally left.

Leeknow walked to the elevator, but he felt thirsty and decided to go to the nearby venting machine.

He took a dollar in his pocket and inserted it in the machine, it fed up quickly and he picked out a drink. The machine began to push the chosen drink.

He felt happy watching it and took his phone out, a thud came out of the vending machine and that alerted him to get the drink.

He bent down to get it but he felt someone behind him, Leeknow doesn't know why he started shivering. He gripped the drink harshly and started to look back slowly.

"Hi Leeknow! Has Minji left?" Lia asked him, but he was still frozen on the spot. "Hello?? Leeknow?? Did I scare you?" Questioned the girl standing.

"Yes you freaking did!"

"Well my bad, I'll, just buy you a new drink. You squeezed the drink to hard and it exploded.." Lia gave him a dollar and bent down.

"Now, where's Minji?"

"At the department." Leeknow ensertwd the dollar again and held his heart. He was still a bit scared.

Lia happily skipped to the department. When she got in the door opened, revealing Minji. "What are you doing here Lia?" Minji asked softly.

"I was finding you!" Lia happily hugged Minji to the stomach. Aside from that, Hanni was watching the whole scene and was about to burst into anger.

Yujin and Haerin opened the door and saw the two, "Maybe you should do that somewhere else, someone gonna be mad." Yujin just walked past them.

Minji was condo and roamed her eyes around the room. But she saw nobody. Minji shrugged it off like nothing had happened. She told Lia she's going home and left.


Hanni's POV:

"Minji-ah, your still the one I love, Wonyoungs having a party at a bar. And I know that your going to it. And your going to drink, while you're drunk we'll be having fun together." I said to myself.

I smirked and left for the stairs. I ran down so fast that I was first before Minji and the others.

I also ran out the exits door that I almost slipped, same time I called a taxi and told to drive to Northern Hybe Dorms.

He quickly understood and drove there wasting no time. I glanced at the window and saw that Minji's car was keeping up on us.

She looks like she has no clue I'm in here, then she passed through us. I saw her beautiful roofless car, and Haerin and Yujin were in it.

I just smiled and fixed my gaze to my phone. I opened twitter and saw the invitation of Wonyoung. I just liked it and scrolled a bit more.


I payed the driver and walked in the hotel, or in easier words, Northern Hybe Dorms. I showed my card and let me in. I saw that the buffet was opened for dinner, I wouldn't mind eating dinner in there.

I walked in and showed my buffet card, they gave my a plate and I started getting food one by one. While I was getting I felt someone grab my shoulders.

I looked back and saw that it was Jake, I just scoffed and focused on what I was doing. "Not now Jake, I'm in a bad mood." I lied.

He understood and left me alone, in the corner of my eye. I saw my friends, they waved to me and signaled me to sit there.

I fasted my pace and suddenly I tripped, but someone caught me just in time. "W-watch you're step Hanni" Minji said to me without making eye contact.

I stood up straight and coughed purposely, I thanked her and she just smiled at me and left, oh that smile, I would like to see that again and again. I would never get tired of it.


Minji's Pov:

I was just going to a table because my food was there and I got tissues for Haerin and Yujin isn't here because she lives in the Western Starship dorms.

Haerin just smiled at me mysteriously and I scrunched my eyebrows together.

When I sat down, Haerin's gaze was on me. "Okay Minji! What I said earlier. Jake-"

"You know hat Haerin? Let's just forget Jake and live our lives." I cut her off.


"No buts Kitty Kang."

Her face went happy to worried, I wondered why. "So Minji, are you going to Wonyoungs party? I mean boss is letting us because he's attending."

"Yes I am" I answered putting a piece of meat into my mouth. Haerin's eyes twinkled and she began to eat. And I did too.


Hey! Don't forget to vote every chapter guys.

Update tomorrow! Maybe one or two!

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