Chapter 15.

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Amari K

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Amari K. Sanders

First person pov:

It was game day!! I woke up at 5:00. First one up, that's a first. I softly unwrapped Paige's arms around me making sure I didn't wake her up. I ate some toast, then changed into my gym clothes. I spent like an hour at the gym, making sure not to wear myself out. I drove around for a while to clear my mind, then drove back to the hotel. I walked in to see Paige eating at the table with Azzi.

"And where have you been?" Asked Azzi.

"The gym"

"I told you she was fine." Said Paige

"It would have been nice if you let one of us know."

" I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake any of you guys up."

"No it's okay but next time text me so I don't have to worry." Azzi said.

"Okay okay I will I'm going shower"


After my shower and mini concert. I packed my bags making sure I had everything I needed for today. I then went to the kitchen and made me a protein shake. They don't taste good for real, but I've gotten used the taste.  I walked into the bedroom and saw Azzi, Paige and Kk packing. I joined them packing my own stuff into two backpacks. After a fulfilling breakfast, the whole team got onto the bus. Looking out the window I started to think about the team we were playing against. I knew some of them personally. Well used to. They were mean girls. In high school I ended up getting into a fight with one. Thankfully it was it was outside of school, so my record is clean as a mother fucker. I wonder if they still have any grudges against me. I remember the last time I played them, it was really aggressive. Hopefully the referee is good at calling fouls, cause there will definitely be a lot of them. What am I saying? The referee is probably blind in their right eye and 85% blind in the left.

An hour later

The court was filled with loud roars from the crowd. I don't know whose school was louder to be honest(it was definitely ours). I was sitting on the bench cheering my girls on. Coach Geno didn't want me to start for my first game. I totally get it. I didn't wanna start anyways. Also some people might think I'm entitled or something. Azzi just made the shot! I started smiling and clapping. I'm so proud of her. I'm really focused on the game when Coach benched Paige. She came sit by me with a huge grin on her face.

"Having fun?" She asked.

"Having fun doing what?" I replied confused.

"Cheering. You were being really loud, it was kinda distracting."

"Omg..I didn't even realize. I'm sorry" Embarrassment washed over me. Ain't no way.

"No no it's fine. It was kinda cute to see you cheering us on like you were one of our mommas."

"Thank god. Wait what? It was kinda what?"

"What?" She said acting confused.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing- LETS GO AUBREY!"

Adrenaline rushed through my body. I turned my head to see Ice dabbing Aubrey up, patting her on her back. Aw I missed it. I turned back to Paige. Wait what were we talking about? A couple minutes later we were five points behind. I mean that's fine we still have a lot of time to gain points.

"Caroline I'm taking you out. Amari get on the court"

I quickly hopped up, fixing my ponytail. Oh lord. Deep breaths Amari. I don't know why you are stressing. You know you're good at basketball, the coach knows that, your team knows that, everybody knows that. I took my position as shooting guard. The other team now had the ball. I was trying to figure out a way to steal with when  a girl with green braids came in front of me. If I remember correctly her name was Alaina. She was really focused on me. Ice stole the ball and Alaina turned her attention from me to Ice. She started to run towards her. Ice passed the ball to Nika who started to travel. I noticed that the other team was wasting their energy sprinting around trying to steal the ball.  Nika was quickly surrounded. She tried to pass the ball, but it was stolen. The player tried to shoot, but it was blocked by Azzi causing it to roll off the court. We repositioned. Everything was moving too quick. Aubrey has the ball and all of a sudden it's in my hands. I began to run towards the basket, weaving through defenders.


I made the shoot. A smile crept on my face as I caught my breath. I looked over to see two girls from the other team mugging me. Oh girl bye. You mad already? That was just a warm up.
We were currently winning 19-25. I was trying to steal the ball from number 2 when she forcefully pushed me back, causing me to fall on the ground. I was on the ground collecting myself, starting to get up. When the girl with the green braids kicked me in my back. I arched my back and groaned in pain.  Azzi came up pushing the girl.

"What the hell!" Azzi yelled angrily.

Alaina just put her hands up, shaking her head, smiling.

"Woah! Woah! Time out! Do you see what they're doing to her?" I heard someone yell from the stands.

I got up and walked it off, slightly limping. Alaina was talking to the referee saying she "didn't see me" and that it was completely unintentional. Unintentional my ass.

"You good?" Asked Nika.

"All good" I replied giving her a thumbs up.

They continued to push me around for the whole second quarter. I was mad now and so was the rest of the team. When I went to block a girl from shooting I got elbowed in the mouth. Causing my lip to get busted and my mouth leaking blood. Coach took me out for the third quarter because they were being to rough with me. That only aggravated me more. I'm grown. I can handle myself. A bunch of girls ganging up on me isn't gonna do much damage. Paige tried to give me a pep talk, saying me being benched wasn't because of my performance. It was because how the other team was playing dirty. I just kept nodding my head. I wasn't really listening to her anymore I just zoned out. Coach Geno finally put me and Paige back in for the last couple minutes of the fourth quarter. With a couple second left on the clock, there was a heavy tension on the court. The crowd was leaning on the edges of their seats. I took a shot and..


The crowd erupted in applause. We had won thanks to the our wonderful team and my three pointer😜.

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