Chapter 1: Aftermath

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Hello! I'd like to preface this story by saying that this is a part of a fun idea I had! I put all of the men of HSR into a random wheel spinner and whichever two it lands on I have to write a new story with a new genre! The wheel landed on Blade and Dan Heng so the first story is a RenHeng Fanfic!

This story will have:
-Sexual Scenes

With that, we begin!

The Astral Express is in deafening silence following the events on the Xianzou. Dan Heng is in The Archives, sitting on a set of steps leading up to the data bank, his nose cuffed in his hands as he gets lost in thought. His leg taps incessantly, offering momentary relief from the silence. Dan stares at the floor, awaiting any kind of disruption, a phone call, March, Pom-Pom anything at this point.

The events ring through his mind as clear as day, his fight against Blade, Kafka's involvement, the accusations from Yanqing, Jing Yuan's perfect, almost too perfect, composure despite this all. Dan Heng struggles to piece it all together, his leg now tapping even harder as he now stares at the door handle in front of him, hoping for any disturbance. Dan Heng moves his hands to his pants leg, burying his fingers into the fabric and massaging it, savoring the sensation on his fingertips. "Any second now" said Dan, in his signature low-toned voice.

A few moments later, Dan Heng's movements come to a halt, interrupted by the sound of the Express door swinging open followed by March 7th's voice. Dan Heng's expression lightens ever so slightly as he listens intently to March, certain she'll come to his room any second now. He gets up from his spot, grabbing his blanket and lying down, pretending to sleep as he always does when March gets too clingy.

"...Guinaifen and HuoHuo oughta hire me as their photographer, don't you think?" Said March as she approached Dan Heng's room. March knocked on the door, Dan Heng taking this as a signal to shut his eyes. After getting no answer, March takes this opportunity as an invitation. March cracks the door open, peeking through the doorway and seeing the seemingly asleep Dan. "Shh, he's resting!" Said March, as she opened the door.

March is careful not to make any noise as she enters the room, followed by Caelus who had been silent up til now. The head over to Dan Heng, standing over him with a sorrow Dan could feel through the fabric of his blanket. "If this is how he usually gets after a trailblaze expedition, I guess it's only a matter of time before I get there..." said Caelus.

"No...this isn't as frequent as you think," replied March, kneeling down before Dan Heng, "he's been through a lot on the Xianzou...I always knew he had secret strength but I could never imagine it was that serious..."

Caelus kneels down to March's level, inspecting Dan Heng as the room falls silent yet again.

After a few seconds, Caelus stands back up. "Well, we oughta let him sleep."

"Yeah, you're right, I gotta put up these new photos before I forget anyway!"

March leaves the room, Caelus following her before stopping in the doorway. He listens for March's room door, ensuring it closes all the way before he steps back inside the Archives and closing the door behind him. "Just a hunch, you're not asleep, are you?"

Dan Heng lets out a sigh of embarrassment before sitting upright. "Your hunch would be correct," says Dan Heng as he rubs his neck.

"I can tell, you never sleep without your spear." Said Caelus, smugly.

Dan Heng's eyes darted around the room as he tried to find his spear, eventually locating sitting upright in a corner. Caelus sat down beside Dan Heng, crossing his legs as he faced the distraught man before him. " wanna talk about it?"

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