Hope you find peace for yourself.

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This chapter will have a little of cryle in it. 

Kinda inspired by "maybe so" by whateverherfuckingnameis 


I woke up in my bed, my head does still kinda hurt. But not as much as before. I got up and looked for my drugs in my jacket pocket.

It wasn't there.

I ran downstairs.

"Mom, dad, I'm going out." "OH NO NO NO KYLE!" 

I turned around to see my whole family sitting at the couch.

"We have to talk with you." "What?!" "Your friend Stan brought you home... Kyle you overdosed." My mom said having a sad and angry look on her face. "Ma I swear! I didn't do anything.." "LIES! I DONT WANT A DRUG ADDICT AS A SON, GO TO YOUR ROOM." She screamed. I went up to my room in defeat. I just concerned my family... 

I laid down on my bed.

I just want more... all I need..

All I need..

I woke up, my head felt better. I went to the bathroom and discovered bags on my eyes. 


After taking a shower and brushing my teeth, I put on my usual outfit and went downstairs. 

"Kyle! Bubby? Want some food?" I called straight pass the kitchen and exited my home. I'd walk straight pass the bus stop. "Kyle?" A person called out. I didn't even care. I wasn't even going to school. I walked in the bar. "WELCOME BACK KID!" The bartender announced. I ignored him and sat at the booth with the mysterious person. 

"Hey kid." "Hi." "Want some more?" "That's the only reason I came back." I answered. "Okeh- well here ya go!" He handed me a bag of the white powder. "Hey, what is this anyway?" "Ah, it's cocaine with a mix of crack." "Oh. Ok." I handed him $100 "ya know.. I'm not selling it for that much. Just $5 will be fine." He smiled at me. "Ok." I sniffed some of the stuff and handed him 20, then left. 

"Wait kid! You're $100!"

I put the bag in my backpack and went to school. I walked to my class 

"Kyle Brovfloski! Why are you late?" Mr garrison pleaded. I ignored him and sat down. He stared at me for a while but then continued the lesson. Right now the effects were working on me so I really wasn't paying attention.

"Mr.....wassanam- can I use the fuckin..... res...trom..." I inquired. "Um.. Mr garrison- kyle I've been your teacher for years now. Yes you may." He explained. I got up out my seat (scratch that)  I struggled out my seat. And tripped to the boys restroom. I crashed into the sink and looked in the mirror

Who the fuck is this? 

I grabbed the bag out my pocket and took a deep sniff. Then I rolled up paper and sniffed a line. 

No. Not a line.

2 lines.











Yes, 10.

I clenched my fist and banged it on the counter. Then I saw blood drip onto the sink. 

Why is there red food coloring here. Then I heard the door open. lol I think I see a fuckinnn.. "Kyle? Whats the matter with you?!" "bish calm down.." I tried walking over to this weird figure but I immediately fell. This figure helped me up and leaded me out the bathroom.

"nooo my bag..." I crawled back in the bathroom and stuff the ziplock in my pocket. Then the figure fucking dragged me again. After a moment I think he dragged me out the fucking hospital bro.. that's cool. I took out the bag and struggled to open it but managed to take another sniff. Thenstdjjwqidjii)wjanmdeiwwiuaaaaaaaaaahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhaahahaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaahaahaaaaaaaaahaahussjsjjsshshshs

Nobody's POV

Craig dragged Kyle out the school, soon picking him up after a car almost ran over him. "Kyle? Kyle?" He said in concern. Kyles pupils were big and his nose was bleeding, his mouth was slightly open and his eyes were flickering (not in color but like heavy and kind of closing once in a while) Craig soon reached his house, knowing Kyle would be in major trouble if this parents saw him like this.

Just a slight care.

Craig secretly carried Kyle to his room and silently closed the door. Then laid Kyle on his bed. 

"your fucking friend was wasted in the fucking bathroom."


"Kyle, he is literally high as fuck."

"Kyles not my friend and he's not my responsibility so I do not care."


*hang up*

But really, Stan did care.

This was the second time Kyle was like this, he didn't want his ex-friend to become a drug addict. He wished the best for Kyle.

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