"That sounds delicious! And I've never been to a place as fancy as this before," she said, stating at their booth's jewled chandelier. In the other booths were well-known wealthy businessmen.

"Well, I hope I can take you to places even more lavish than this soon. I'd like to get to know you better," he said, leaning in and placing his hand on hers.

Himari's heart stopped as he rubbed her hand and gazed into her brown eyes with his maroon ones.

He's so handsome and perfect and its clear that he's interested in me!

"You're too kind," she gasped, barely able to conceal her happiness. Suddenly, a thought crossed her mind.

Wait. Doesn't he have a daughter? If we take this even further, I might be a mother and I'm certainly not ready for that!

Noticing that her body tensed, Muzan said, "Himari, what's wrong? Is it something I said?"

"No, you didn't do anything wrong. Its just that... aren't you a father? Not that it's a problem or anything but..." she trailed off, unsure what more to say.

Muzan looked at Himari with a disheartened expression on his face. "Yes, I do have a daughter, but her mother died a couple years ago."

"Oh... oh, I'm so sorry, Tsukihiko. I-I lost my mother a while ago so I kind of know how it feels."

Himari cupped his hands to console him. "So, we both know what it's like to lose someone you love. Disregard what I said earlier, I'm truly fine with this."

"... Thank you for being so understanding. Nobody has ever been so sincere with me as you." Muzan lifted his head and stared directly at her with teary eyes.

Without thinking, Himari got up from the booth, sat beside Muzan and embraced him.

As he timidly returned the embrace, his flesh tingled with desired.

"Thank you for being thank you so understanding, Himari."

"You're welcome, Tsukihiko!"

After the two exchanged more words of comfort and understanding, they changed the subject to learn more about each other.

Muzan savored Himari's each and every word. He learned that her father was a coward, how horrible her future stepmother and stepsisters were to her, how she failed English once, and more.

The demon enjoyed listening to her speak. The way her brown eyes lit up when she was passionate about something and how her lips moved aroused him.

With one of his brains, he memorized her words. With another brain, he began formulating his plan top bend her to his will.

And with another brain, he articulated humanlike responses, keeping his human cover. Muzan told the girl that he was a partner to a few businesses, CEO of a shell company that dealt with relations in the States, he had a rescue Shikoku dog, and more.

As expected, he failed to mention that he was a genocidal Demon Lord who wanted to annihilate everything in his path.

Sometime during the date, Muzan decided not to kidnap her just yet. He decided that he wanted her to be with him willingly.

Due to being ancient, the demon had mastered the art of love. He was supremely skilled in sex and could have anyone he wanted with his many forms. Why take her against her will and rape her when he could teach her to be his for all of eternity?

Himari glanced at a clock with an anxious expression, breathing heavily. "God, it's almost two o'clock! I didn't realize that time was moving so fast and I'm pretty sure that I missed the last bus. Oh, I'm definitely going to get in trouble..."

Eyes Like Rubies: Part One {ORIGINAL}Where stories live. Discover now