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Louis POV:

The moment I stepped out of the carriage all I heard was piercing screams from the people. Ok wow this was well...unexpected. I mean I could understand a few people here that were really interested in finding out who I am, but not like everyone in the kingdom surrounding the fence.

I was about to scream from all the loudness, when I felt a warm hand on my back and Harry whispering reassuring things into my ear. Ok Louis breath it's ok your fine nothing to worry about. I thought trying to reassure myself. Quickly the palace guards led Prince Harry and I into the palace. The minute the doors shut everything was dead silent...well except the ringing in my ear. Joy.

"I am so so sorry love, I don't expect that many people showing up for your well arrival." Harry said apologetically.

Love...just the sound of that was music to my ears. I know it sounds stupid but it kind of left me weak at the knees. Stupid Louis.

"I-it's ok, I'm fine I think?" I said. Wow I sound so stupid way to go you just got here and you have made a fool of yourself.

"You think?" Harry said with a raised eyebrow. Then. Not a moment later Harry's giant body engulfed me in a hug. Ok wow this feels really nice...I like it in here. I thought.

Harry let out a chuckle, " glad you like my hugs love."

Great with that nickname again, but u have more important things to think. " I said that out loud didn't I?"

"Yep you also said that you like the nickname love, under your breath." Harry said with a wide grin. His dimples looked so deep I could get lost in them. I bet they would make a good swimming pol.

"You know what?" I said pulling out of the hug, "your hugs make it hard to think straight."

"Hmmm...last time I checked you weren't straight at all, unless I'm mistaken." Harry said with a wiggle of his eyebrows. Ok I see where this is going.

"I would hit you right now, but I don't believe in animal abuse." I snapped back. Hope you felt that burn styles.

"Oh Harry do you need some ice for that burn." A girl said while walking down the stairs. Thank you some one thinks the same way as me, thought. Her face looked exactly like Harry's, but more feminine. Oh that must be princess Gemma. Great a better not embarrass myself.

"Oh come on gems it want that good of a comeback anyway." What!? Someone is looking for a fight and I know exactly how to win.

"Wow Harry...that really hurt." I said as a turned away from him and began to "cry"...thank you to my step-family who thought me how to act. I mean I had to act nice around them right.

"Oh no?! Louis I am so sorry I'd don't know that I would hurt your feelings" Harry said while turning me around and bringing me into another hug. I looked over his shoulder and saw princess Gemma looking at us and a sent her a wink. She covered her mouth trying to stifle her giggles.

"Wow Harry it looks like he has already got you wrapped around his finger." Gemma said though giggles. Harry pulled back and saw me not crying, a confused look came over his face.

"Were you acting Louis?" He asked.

"Maybe?" I said trying to look as innocent as possible. Harty simply raised an eyebrow at me and then picked me up and through me over his shoulder. Ok wow from this point I got a pretty good look at his bum, let's just say it was really cute and tiny.

"Well naughty boys get punished." He said while throwing me onto a couch that was in a parlor and started tickling me.I started thrashing uncontrollably and laughing way to loud.

"S-stop Harry p-please s-stop." I said through giggles.

"Ok only because you asked nicely" Harry said and stopped. I was all red to the face and was breathing really heavy. Most people if they came in would probably think something really naughty happened in here.

"Ok now that you are done man handling your boyfriend can I meet him now?" Princess Gemma said annoyed at Harry.

"Uh-sure gems you can" Harry said while scratching his neck. I quickly got off the couch and bowed down.

"It's really nice to meet you your royal highness." I said.

"Oh my goodness please you don't need to do that you are practically family. And please call me Gemma or gems." Gemma said while lifting me up out of my bow. Good going Louis you just embarrassed yourself.

"Uh ok y-Gemma." I said with a smile.

" your family coming to live here at the palace?" Gemma asked.

"Oh um well actually my blood family is dead I lived with my step-mother and step-brothers...and well they didn't like very much." I said with a slight frown.

"Oh! I am so sorry to hear that well we'll be your family now." Gramma said sweetly.

"Wow...thank you." I said in utter shock. No one has ever treated me so nicely before.

"Ok", Harry said while clapping his hands together, "shall I give you a tour of the palace." I nodded my head and followed Harry out of the parlor.


Once the tour was over Harry decided to introduce me to some of the staff members. So far I only have met Barbra, who was a sweet old lady who ran the kitchens.

"Ok the next person you'll meet is Niall he is my personal adviser you'll be getting one pretty soon...I just don't know who it is yet. These people are your life savers when it comes to appearances. If it wasn't for Niall I probably would never leave this place." Harry said with a smile.

Harry and I walked into the biggest library I have ever seen. I thought the one back home was huge, but this place mad it look minuscule. There were rows upon rows of shelves all filled with books. Harry led me down the main aisle to what looked like the center of the library. That's when I noticed that the shelves were organized in a circular shape surrounding the middle. The middle was an area that was filled with comfy looking chairs and a few desks here and there. Sitting at one of the desks was a boy who had light blond hair that was brunet at the roots.

"Aha there you are Niall." Harry said, and Niall looked up from the book her was reading. He had bright blue eyes which were a shade or two lighter than mine.

"I was wondering when you were going to come back with the mystery boy." He said, his Irish accent was very prominent.

"Yeah well it took us a while, but we finally found him." Harry said while pulling me into his side.

"Wow he is a tiny thing no wonder he was able to slip past the guards without them finding him." Niall said.

"Hey in not that tiny I'll let you know, I'm 5'9." I said with a huff. I mean come on this guy was only like what an inch or two taller than me,but I think it was really his hair that made him look so big.

"Wow he's a feisty one. I like him." Niall said with a smile.

"Glad you do cause he's staying." Harry said while looking down at me.

Authors note-

Happy Fourth of July to my fellow Americans. To everyone else it's just a normal day I guess. Anyway I finally updated yay!! I hoed you all liked the playful Harry and Louis banter. And...MY OTRA CONCERT IS IN 5 DAYS WHOOO I AM SO EXCTED. Well everyone have a good day or night or whatever.


Cinder Lou (larry au)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя