You Didn't Answer [Future Book]

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[a/n: Future books won't have a second part; this was made ever since the pilot]

"There were nights when the wind was so cold, that my body froze in bed, If I just listened to it right outside the window. There were days when the sun was so cruel, that all the tears turned to dust, And I just knew my eyes were drying up forever I finished crying in the instant that you left, And I can't remember where or when or how, And I banished every memory you and I had ever made. But when you touch me like this And you hold me like that, I just have to admit; That it's all coming back to me, When I touch you like this And I hold you like that It's so hard to believe but It's all coming back to me It's all coming back It's all coming back to me now, There were moments of gold And there were flashes of light, There were things I'd never do again, But then they'd always seemed right; There were nights of endless pleasure! It was more than any laws allow" 

The sweet angel voice of tonight's club singer known as Crystal far and wide sung with her heart and soul; she was eighteen and yet she had the voice any woman would kill for to have. Her long angelic hair slightly curled if let down, but she rarely had it down for shows; it was held up by diamond pins with her bangs framing her face on the right side, she held the mic in her gloved hands as her emerald, green eyes scanned the crowd as she sung her sweet love song that actually she made for her mother who passed away who in short story. Took back her father a couple of times because as she said to Crystal felt familiar like coming home after years, she sung this song on the anniversary to honor her mother and this song was her biggest hit the moment someone just happened to be listening to her working a part time job as a waitress. Her beautiful yellow dress was a one sleeve mermaid like dress that had sparkles at the bottom of her dress as her fluffy white feathered shawl was draped over her arms as she sung her heart out, not aware of the dangerous eyes watching from the shadows. 

The radio demon himself had enough power once and a while to come up to the surface to enjoy the good music that was still being made in the year of 1951, he enjoyed listening to the young lady who was filled with much talent for a young age like herself to bad he couldn't bring her onto the radio show he used to host and spread her voice across the world but maybe there was a way from him to do just that. 

Once the show stopped for her the crowd clapped and some men whistled throwing roses onto the stage as she smiled warmly and waved, vanishing behind the curtain giving off a heavy sigh as she passed the backstage hard-working people; getting to her own dressing room closing the door behind her gentle she sat at her dressing deck looking in the mirror still seeing a person she still didn't recognize and she was sure her mother wouldn't recognize her even though she always said she was made for great things.

"My my, that is quiet a voice you have my dear" a static like voice came out of nowhere making her jump out of her skin.

She turned around to see no one was in the room with her, was she finally going mad from being over worked? Or was someone playing a sick prank on her.

"Look behind you my dear" the voice spoke again making her freeze her to her spot, but she slowly turned her head making her eyes widen in shock seeing the man or thing before her in the mirror.

He was tall but she didn't know how tall, his smile was the widest smile she has saw with sharp yellow teeth that looked like they could cut through metal; he wore a red suit like a gentleman courting a young lady, his skin was a greyish tone as his red eyes slightly glowed but looked like they looked right through her as she stared back at him, his hair was red as well with the end tips being black and were those horns? Why did they look like a deer?

"W-who are you?" she asked not sure if she wished to know or not.

"Oh, how foolish of me, the name is Alastor, but most might know at least on the surface the radio demon" Alastor chuckled before twirling a staff in his hand before holding out his hand for her to take, he somehow was now in front of her and not in the mirror anymore she came to about his chest while standing next to him.

She was hesitant for a moment but took his hand, being surprised by the gentle kiss he gave her hand never breaking eye contact with her; she could feel a slight shiver run through her body, but it wasn't a horrible feeling.

"Charmed, but how does a demon from hell come here?" she couldn't help but ask as she pulled her hand back from him as he stood straight.

"I wouldn't get into the details think of it as savings for a vacation, but I came here to offer you a deal" he waved off her question with a quick answer, but his smirk grew wider somehow when bringing up a deal.

"Why?" she asked with a raised brow wondering why she would make a deal with a demon in the first place.

"Why does anyone do anything, sheer absolute boredom! I have been looking for the perfect thing to entertain me and you fit that bill dear" Alastor spoke she thought she could hear a slight laugh like a crowd on a radio station as he spoke before pointing to her.

"I'm not here to entertain demons, go to hell for that" she said turning away from him not interested in what he wished to have.

"Not even what I can offer you?" He asked raising a brow knowing this would catch her interest even for a couple of minutes more.

"And what can you offer me?" she asked turning to him placing her hands on her hips still not buying what he can offer.

"Everything, but unlike your agent I can actually give it to you; I can spread your voice around the world not just around this club and all of Chicago" Alastor spread out his arms while circling around her knowing her agent made fails promises like they normally did.

"I don't care for that, but can you offer me protection?" Crystal met his eyes once more knowing she didn't care for fame so much needed something that can actually help her.

"And who do you need protecting from?" Alastor asked wondering why she would wish for just protection.

"Everything, everyone who wants to use me I'm getting sick and tired of just being an objects hell I can't even talk to someone, or they go and to the news reporters or my boss I can't trust anyone" She was feeling her blood boil from just thinking about how many times she had been used and stepped on the moment she was offered to be famous.

"And you would trust a demon?" Alastor raised a brow again with his smirk still on his face that seemed to never leave.

"Yes" was her blunt answer that caught him off guard since he never had a strong-minded soul only one that begged for saving or for greed, but nothing like her.

"So, it's a deal then?" he asked as he offered her his hand to seal the deal.

"Deal" she said taking his hand in a strong grip sealing her fate to the radio demon, not knowing the adventure she would bring herself or what he himself got himself into by being attracted to this young human soul.

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