The Vanishing

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A/n:Well ladies and gentlemen,this is sadly the end of the Lab Rats Bree Davenport x fem reader scars and ink fanfic. Thanks for being with this far, may God bless you all 🙏.

Y/n's current hairstyle and outfit and Adeya's current hairstyle and outfit:

Y/n's current hairstyle and outfit and Adeya's current hairstyle and outfit:

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A/n: Adeya is now two years and eleven months old.

Jake's current hairstyle and outfit:

Y/n was hanging out in the mentor quarters with Adeya, watching sponge Bob,when Adam,Bree, Chase, Jake,Leo, Donald and Douglas walk in

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Y/n was hanging out in the mentor quarters with Adeya, watching sponge Bob,when Adam,Bree, Chase, Jake,Leo, Donald and Douglas walk in.


Y/n turns around to face Bree and the others.

Adeya hops off the couch walk over to Bree and hugs her by the legs.

Adeya: Hello, Mommy.

Bree carries Adeya in her arms as Y/n walks over to them.

Y/n: What's going on?

Chase:All the students have disappeared.

Y/n: Wait, what?! How did this happen?

Jake:We don't know how it happened. One minute they're here,the next they're gone.

Bree:I was worried that you and Adeya may have disappeared as well.

Chase: What about us?

Bree:Y/n's my wife and Adeya is my daughter,so I have every right to be more worried than you.

Y/n:So, what now?

Chase: We'll go and find the students.

Y/n:Count me in.

Bree: Sorry, but you're staying out of this.


Bree:Babe,I need you to stay with Adeya while we handle this. Besides, if we don't make it back,at least she'll have one mom left to raise her.

Y/n then goes to kiss Bree by the lips.

Y/n then goes to kiss Bree by the lips

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She then rests her forehead on Bree's.

Y/n:(whispering) You better come back home to me and our daughter.

Bree:(whispering)I promise.

The two girls seperate as Y/n takes Adeya in her arms.

Y/n: Dey-Dey, we're gonna go and hang out with Grandma Tasha, okay?

Adeya: Okay.(to Bree) I wuv you, Mommy.

Bree:I love you too, sweetheart.

Bree gives her daughter a kiss on the forehead as she and the others head off to go save the students.

Y/n and Adeya then head off to the mainland to hang out with Tasha.

So,long story short, Adam, Bree, Chase, Jake,Leo, Donald and Douglas with the exception of Y/n managed to find out where the students are. They were captured by Giselle and a revived Marcus who knock them out and destroy their chips and shit. In the end, Marcus gets beat by Daniel who was captured with the other students and Giselle got mangled by her own laser whip. So,the bionic team saved the day.

They then arrived back at the Davenport mansion in the lab.

Davenport and Douglas then inform everyone that they managed to create upgraded chips for everyone so they won't be obsolete anymore and Tasha announces she's pregnant with Donald's child.

At some point, when the team were getting ready to go back to island, Davenport explains there won't be a need to since all the students' chips have been upgraded they're all fully fledged bionic heroes so half of the team will have to go to the academy to oversee the transition of students and the other half will be part of a new team. Adam, Jake and Leo volunteer to stay at the academy and Bree, Chase and Y/n volunteer to join this new team.

The bionic teens say their goodbyes as Adam and Jake and Leo head off to the academy while Bree , Chase and Y/n and Adeya stay behind to see their new journey play out.

A/n:I can't believe it's over 😭. I really wanted to keep going. I'm now going to focus on my regular show fanfic and I'll make a reboot of lab rats Bree Davenport x fem reader scars and ink fanfic but in this version Bree is g!p. I know,it sounds weird but bear with me. Also, I'm not gonna make sequel since this version Bree and Y/n's story ends here. God bless 🙏 and peace out 😗✌️.

Lab Rats Bree Davenport x fem reader: scars and ink(continuation)Where stories live. Discover now