Request Page!

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Welcome to the Request page!

Things that are allowed--

- Angst
- Fluff
- Character Bashing (My Favorite)
- Anything dealing with being sick
- Ships!
- Crossovers (Fandoms I know)
- Parker being a book nerd (Because I am)
- Self-Projecting

Not Allowed--

- Starker
- Harrassment (Honestly don't want to write it)
- Smut {I have a book dedicated to that}
- Sexual Harrassment
- Sexualizing a character
- sexualizing bullying

Ideas Please!

What other fandoms do you want to see?

I started a book on Ao3 and is crossposted to, soon to be on Wattpad!
Love Y'all!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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