Looks like you've got some competition, cousin

Start from the beginning

I gripped my books tightly, nails digging into the binding at her comments. My irritation mounted daily. It was illogical - Charlie and I were just friends, after all. But hearing Daphne's excessive mooning made me want to jinx her pretty blonde head. Well, I guess it wasn't that illogical since I am in love with him, not that he knows or cares.

"Ugh, I would let Professor Weasley ruin my life," Daphne proclaimed dramatically as we watched him talk to some students leaning in an alcove. "The things that man could do to me..."

Unfortunately, it wasn't just Daphne. It seemed like every girl at Hogwarts was fawning over Charlie.

In the halls, they would "accidentally" bump into him, blushing and stammering excuses while running their hands along his muscular arms. During meals, groups of giggling girls waved and flirted shamelessly from across the Great Hall as he ate. Even walking the grounds, there was no escaping the hoards of lovestruck students trailing after him.

And Charlie didn't seem to mind the attention one bit. He gave them all his easy, dimpled grin and laughed off their obvious flirtations. It was infuriating. And it bothered me more than I cared to admit. I started avoiding Charlie out of irritation. Even when Ginny dragged me along to visit him one evening, I remained snappy.

"Lyra, great to see you!" Charlie smiled warmly when we entered his office. "How are classes going?"

"Fine," I bit out, perching stiffly on a chair rather than my usual spot beside him on the sofa.

Charlie's brow furrowed. "Everything alright?"

"Perfect," I said tightly, avoiding his concerned gaze.

An awkward silence fell until Ginny made conversation. My irrational irritation with Charlie didn't seem to be going away. I thought I was fine with us just being friends, but that was proving difficult with the constant female attention he received.

It had been over a week since I started avoiding him. In class, I came late and left as soon as possible. When he tried to talk to me, I snapped some excuse and hurried off. The hurt and confusion on his face left me feeling guilty, but I couldn't seem to stop my behavior.

By Sunday, Ginny was begging me to join her in visiting Charlie again. After much reluctance, I let her drag me along to his chambers.

Charlie looked up in surprise when we entered. His welcoming smile faltered slightly when I avoided his gaze.

"Ginny, Lyra! To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Ginny immediately launched into a story about Quidditch trials as I lingered by the door, arms crossed defensively. Charlie's laughter at his sister's antics normally would have lifted my mood, but today it just irked me further.

After fifteen painfully awkward minutes, I interrupted Ginny's monologue. "Well, we should probably get going. Don't want to take up too much of Professor Weasley's valuable time." I imbued the title with faint derision.

Charlie's eyes flashed at my tone. "Ginny, could you give Lyra and me a moment?"

Ginny looked between us curiously but slipped out without argument. "I'll see you at the lake." She said as she left. An uneasy silence descended.

"What is your issue lately?" Charlie demanded, running an agitated hand through his already disheveled red hair. "You've been snappy with me all week!"

I shifted uncomfortably under his stare. "Nothing. I don't know what you mean."

"Bullshit." Charlie rarely swore. He took a deep breath, clearly trying to rein in his temper. "Just tell me what is going on is it something I did or si-"

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