You're all I think about. I know it's selfish,'re my whole world.

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The end of the sixth year creeps ever closer as an ominous pall settles over the castle. Dark whispers swirl through the halls, weighing heavily on everyone. We all feel as if we're perched on a precipice, waiting for the final axe to fall.

I find myself escaping more and more often to the hidden room atop the Astronomy Tower. It remains my sanctuary, this small haven Charlie gifted me. Curled on the plush cushions staring out at the distant mountains calms my fretful mind.

I must doze off during one such retreat, lulled by the hush of turning pages. A sudden chilling voice jolts me violently awake.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The words slice through the night, echoing with cruel finality. I freeze, blood turning to ice. That voice...I know that voice. It has taught and taunted me for years, always cold and cutting. Snape.

I'm on my feet and racing headlong down the spiral stairs before I fully register moving. Bursting out onto the tower platform, I stagger to a horrified stop. Dumbledore's broken body lies sprawled far below, surrounded by gaping students. High above, a Dark Mark stains the inky sky like a malignant wound.

And there stands Snape, wand still raised, backed by Draco and a handful of Death Eaters. Bellatrix's mad cackle rings out triumphantly. My heart drops into my stomach. No...Draco, what have you done?

At that moment Harry comes tearing onto the scene, raw anguish contorting his features. "Snape!!" His cry rings with agony and rage.

Everything descends into chaos. I stand frozen amidst the bedlam, unable to process this cataclysmic shift. Dumbledore is dead. By Snape's wand.

As the implications slam into me, fury ignites my blood. I twist the emergency ring Charlie gifted me frantically, praying he come. Harry has already flung himself after Snape and the fleeing Death Eaters. I race to join him, blood roaring in my ears. We hurtle down the shifting staircases, out into the eerily still grounds.

Fiery light glows ahead - Hagrid's hut ablaze. Bellatrix's shadow cavorts amidst the flames. Harry lets out a tormented yell and charges, spells rebounding sharply through the darkness.

I'm almost at his side when rough hands seize me brutally from behind. "The Dark Lord will be pleased to have you, little niece," a harsh voice rasps in my ear.

Rage and disgust flood me. I stomp down hard on the Death Eater's foot, driving my elbow viciously into his gut when he loosens his hold with a pained grunt. Whirling to face him, I level my wand furiously.

"Reducto!" The blast sends my assailant flying through the air to crash in a heap. Harry shoots me a grimly approving look as I move to stand with him.

Snape deflects our barrage of hexes coldly. But the tide turns as more Order members arrive, forcing the Death Eaters into retreat.

Bellatrix's mad eyes fix on me through the chaos. "Bring the girl, Snape!" she screeches.

Snape lunges in my direction, murder etched on his harsh features. I brace myself, knuckles white around my wand.

"Stay away, Professor," I snarl. "Don't make me hurt you."

His lip curls cruelly. "Foolish child. You haven't the skill to -"

A blast strikes Snape squarely between the shoulders before he can finish. He staggers and whirls, only to be met by Charlie's blazing eyes and leveled wand as he steps in front of me protectively.

Triumph flashes in Bellatrix's sunken gaze. "Blood traitor Weasley thinks he can protect little Lyra from her destiny," she croons mockingly even as she continues retreating. "You won't save her for long!"

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