Oh sure, of course, you'd say that, Mr. Star Quidditch Player

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Everything hurt as I tried to move and a soft moan escaped my lips. I felt groggy and tired, the light stinging my eyes as I forced them open.

"Lyra," Mum gasped, rushing to my side. "Oh, my little moon, does it hurt a lot?"

My throat was parched as I tried to swallow and nod. "I'll get Madam Pomfrey," Mum said, hurrying away.

I finally looked beside me and a pleasant jolt went through me at the sight of Charlie sleeping in the bedside chair, hand entwined with mine. His head was pillowed next to our clasped hands as if he had fallen asleep keeping watch.

"He's been here two days," Mum whispered, returning to sit on my bedside. "I tried to get him to leave but he refused to budge."

She gently smoothed my hair. "Voldemort's gone. We won." Her smile was one of profound relief.

I echoed her smile weakly. "Harry? Ara? Dad? Ginny? Is everyone okay?"

Mum nodded, clutching my hand. "Everyone's fine, just waiting for you to wake up. Your father should be here soon."

Right on cue, Dad came bursting in with Ara, Harry, Ginny and Hermione on his heels.

"Thank Merlin you're alright," Dad breathed, kissing my temple as everyone echoed similar sentiments. They kept their voices low as Madam Pomfrey examined me, administering various potions.

"You'll be right as rain by tomorrow morning," she proclaimed. "Get some rest tonight and we'll discharge you in the morning."

She shooed everyone out over their protests until only Charlie remained, still sound asleep. I gingerly rolled onto my side with a soft groan. Brushing a wayward curl off his forehead, he began to stir. I quickly drew my hand back but Charlie's shot out to capture my wrist before I could.

"You foolish, reckless girl," he murmured, staring into my eyes. "Don't ever do something like that again."

I gave a pained smile. "I'm supposed to protect you, not the other way around, Princess" he added seriously, bringing my palm to his lips.

His gentle scolding warmed me. "It doesn't matter now though, does it Cherry?" I said, turning to lie on my back again with a wince. "I'm perfectly okay."

Charlie huffed, clearly not mollified. "Okay? You were unconscious for two days. Do you have any idea -" His voice caught and he had to stop and take a breath.

When he continued, his tone was soft. "Do you know what it was like, seeing you lying there so still and pale? Not knowing if..." He trailed off, unable to finish the thought.

I turned my head to meet his pained gaze. Reaching up, I cradled his cheek. "I'm sorry I scared you. But it was worth it to keep you safe. I'd do it again in a heartbeat."

Charlie closed his eyes with a shaky exhale. "I know you would," he whispered. "That's what terrifies me."

He opened his eyes again and even in the dim light I could see the emotion swirling in their blue depths. "I can't lose you Lyra. When I thought I might have..." His thumb gently traced my bottom lip.

My heart stuttered and warmth bloomed in my chest. I leaned into his touch, eyes never leaving his. "You didn't lose me," I murmured. "I'm right here."

"I know," he murmured before moving back slightly.

"Will you go back to Romania now?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

Charlie didn't respond right away. He drew in a slow breath, shoulders tense with some internal conflict. Finally he turned to meet my searching gaze. "That was the plan," he said simply.

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