Sounded like you were really enjoying my dear brother's company.

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I'm lost in a blissful haze, Charlie's lips gliding feverishly over mine as my hands roam urgently across the hard planes of his body. I moan his name helplessly, arching closer, craving more contact. His hands grip my hips, pulling me against him. I sigh into his mouth, hands reaching up to glide over the firm planes of his shoulders and down his strong back.

Charlie makes a low, hungry sound, his fingers tangling almost roughly in my hair to angle my head and take the kiss deeper still. I clutch at him tighter, my whole being electrified by the feel and taste of him.

His lips trail hot, open-mouthed kisses along my jaw and down the sensitive skin of my neck. A breathy moan escapes me when he finds a particularly reactive spot and sucks teasingly.

"Charlie," I gasp, nails digging into the shifting muscles of his back. His answering groan vibrates against my heated skin. My hands wander lower of their own volition, tracing along his waistband before dipping just underneath.

Charlie shudders and presses his hips harder to mine, leaving no doubt as to his desire. My heart races wildly even as my body arches closer, craving more contact.

We kiss again fiercely, all tongues and clashing teeth. He walks me backwards until my legs hit the bed and I tumble onto the mattress, Charlie following me down without breaking the kiss. Hands roam feverishly as we lose ourselves in each other. I'm drowning in sensation, needing him like air.

Just as his fingers find the hem of my shirt, ready to peel it off....

A shock of cold water hits my face, jolting me violently awake with a gasp. Ginny stands over me with an emptied glass, eyes dancing with mirth. I scowl up at her.

"What the hell, Gin?"

She just smirks knowingly. "Having a good dream there? Sounded like you were really enjoying my dear brother's company."

My eyes widen and heat floods my face. No way...surely I hadn't been making noises...I stammer out a denial, mortified. "N-no! Of course not, why would you think..."

But she cuts me off, moaning "Oh Charlie...." in exaggerated passion. My cheeks burn even hotter "Charl-omppf" and I smack her with a pillow. "Shut it! I was not!" I protest weakly, even as hazy memories of the vivid dream threaten to resurface. Charlie's strong hands roamed my body, his lips trailing hotly down my neck...

I cringe, wishing I could sink through the floor and never emerge. This is utterly mortifying. What's worse, now thoughts of Charlie's hands and lips on me in real life are invading my brain in vivid technicolor. I suppress another groan. "Don't even try denying it! I know a wet dream when I see one." Ginny says

With a dramatic groan, I flop face down on the bed, willing it to swallow me whole. Trust my subconscious to torment me now, on top of everything else. "Gin, you can't ever tell him about this," I beg, words muffled by the mattress.

The bed dips as she perches next to me, still snickering. "Wouldn't dream of it," she promises, patting my back consolingly. "Though Merlin, the dreams you must be having to moan his name that loudly!"

I swat halfheartedly at her without lifting my flaming face. Ginny relents with a sympathetic pat. "There there, it happens to the best of us. At least you have good taste - Charlie is quite fit." She ducks another swing of my pillow. "Just maybe cast a silencing charm around your bed from now on, yeah? Or the whole Slyrthin house will know just how good he makes you feel."

With a final cheek kiss, she bounces up and exits the room. I flop back with a weary groan. Reading these Romance books Hermione and Ginny got me for Christmas is definitely the reason these dreams plague me. How will I ever face Charlie again after this? I lay there stewing in my humiliation for a few more minutes before forcing myself upright. Have to pull it together and pretend my dirty dream never happened. Easier said than done though, especially once I see Charlie at breakfast, hair endearingly mussed, shoulders broad beneath his faded t-shirt...

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