Kiba gasps through gritted teeth as Naruto slowly rises to his feet.

Sakura exclaims, "ON YOUR FEET, NARUTO!!"

Naruto stands up with his bangs hiding his eyes. Naruto says lowly, "Sorry, but you can forget about being Hokage." Here, Naruto raises his eyes to a glaring Kiba. "Because I'm... the top dog around here!"


Kiba sneers and points to the Uzumaki, "You're kidding! You're a real glutton for punishment, are ya?!" Naruto responds by smirking. Kiba drops his arm. "Ok. It's your funeral!! I'm gonna make sure you don't get up again! Let's go, Akamaru!"

The puppy barks as both Kibas run at Naruto.

Naruto questions, "How many times are you going to use that move?"

"Just once more!" Kiba replies. He and Akamaru spin just like before as Naruto jumps up into the air. Both Kibas twist past him and Naruto collapses as both Kibas land nearby, skidding back. Kiba throws more smoke grenades and he and Akamaru use the same technique. "Fang Over Fang!!" They spin and twist around Naruto in the smoke, trying to shred him to pieces until they leap back. The smoke clears and Naruto gets up, wiping his mouth. Kiba straightens, smirking. "Huh! It looks like you've run out of gas, kid!"

Naruto retorts, clenching his fists, "Yeah?! Bring on, Dog Breath! Because no matter how many clones of yourself you make, I'll still have enough gas to beat you!!"

"Huh! You've always got a snappy comeback." He shifts his animal like eyes to Akamaru. "Let's see you come back from this! Ready, Akamaru?!" Akamaru growls in agreement. They take off towards Naruto and Kiba throws another bunch of smoke grenades, before the both of them launch into the air with Fang Over Fang.

I hear Naruto say, "I gotta find a way to counterattack...!"

Sakura says as the two Kibas attack, "What's going on?! I can't see!"

"HERE WE GOOO!!" The Inazuka hollers.

The smoke fully clears and Sakura breathes, "Whoa..." There were now three Kibas and one of them is Naruto. "Perfect! Good one, Naruto! Brilliant!"

The blue haired girl says, "It's... genius!"

I explain, "He's made himself look like Kiba, so Kiba doesn't know which one to go after. He's got to be careful because he might be attacking Akamaru."

Lee adds, "And meanwhile, Naruto is safe attacking either one." He clenches his fist. "Brilliant idea! Whoohoo!"

Sakura says, "He's got him completely stagnate! Hah!" She clenches the railing in triumph.

Kiba comments, "Ok, so I see you've gotten better at the Transformation Jutsu. But you've forgotten one little thing..." Kiba holds up a clenched fist. "I admit, you look just like me and that threw me for a minute, but I still know which one is you! You can't hide from me! You wanna know why?!" Kiba pulls back his clenched fist. He swings at the stunned Kiba on his right, throwing him back across the floor.

Kiba's nose sniffs the air. "I can smell ya, kid!" He wipes his nose with his finger. "There's just no getting past our sense of smell. Tough luck!" Kiba chuckles triumphantly. "Game's over!" Suddenly, the clone Kiba punched poofs away to reveal...

... Akamaru?!

Kiba whirls on the remaining clone behind him and growls, "So it's you... messing with me...!" Kiba punches that clone and sends him flying, only to gasp as that clone changes into Akamaru as well, the puppy flying from the force of the punch. "Huh...?! What...?!" Akamaru collapses on the floor and doesn't get back up.

Book 1: The Scarlet Thread (Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now