"What will I get in return?", He fumed in drunken state.

"What do you want?", I asked.

"Hmm, money is very important this days...uh...mmmm", he indirectly hinted me.

"100,000. Will it be enough? I have only this much right now", I said.

"That will do. I can get liquor easily", he laughed.

I took out the cash from my bag and handed him.

"Wait, I need to settle on another thing", he said before signing the papers.

"What?", I asked back.

"That thing on your neck", he said pointing at the chain I was wearing.

"I cannot give you this. Please sign the papers", I said.

But then he got wild and started snatching my chain. I struggled to get away from his grip on my chain, when someone came and knocked him down.

"How dare you touch her with your filthy hands, huh?", It was Zeyer. How did he come here?

"Zeyer...what are you doing here?", I asked.

"What is wrong with you, huh? Why do you do reckless things all the time? I know you are strong, but can you just know... know that you'll get hurt? First you messed up in the restaurant with unknown bastard, and now you are here again? And I don't know how many times you've been in such situations before I met you. You are annoying", he shouted and scolded me. I remained silent, but I felt good when he scolded me. I felt like he cared for me.

"Just sign the papers you bastard before I break your hands", he held the collar of that drunk man and he signed in fear.

"Thank you madam, for helping me and my son. He was always like that and that's the reason why we departed", the mother of the kid cried.

"It's okay. People who are in position to help must help those you needs it. I did what I had to do as a human", I smiled.

"Sister, thank you for helping me. This is for you", he said and handed me two candies. I smiled at him.

"This are the candies I bought from the small money I got by doing other's chores. I can't pay you for helping me other than give you my favorite thing", the kid smiled.

"Well, that's more than anything. Thank you, I'll eat it for sure", I patted his head.

"And if you need any help, you just need to call me okay? Your mother has my number", I said.

"Umm...bye sister", he smiled and left in the taxi with his mother.

I turned to look at Zeyer, who was looking at me in a monotonous expression.

"Can you explain me?", He said.

"You already saw everything", I said.

"Not about this, but why do you have to put yourself in such situations?", He still looked angry.

"I don't know, I just can't see helpless people suffer. And I can't stand injustice. And I'll do everything as long as it's in my position to do. Well, I don't usually get hurt. I am black belt in taekwondo and I learned karate too", I said biting my lips.

"Yeah...right I can see how safely you fight", he said checking the bruise I got on my neck while he tried to snatch my chain.

"Why do you have to hold on to that chain? See the marks are so visible", he scolded.

"You gave me this chain so as to bring me good luck", I said looking away. He said nothing and sighed.

"You could have asked me for the help. I'm not that bad to not help you out", he said again.

"I didn't want to bother you", I replied.

"And because of that you gave that man Nu.100,000. It's a huge amount. You are crazy", he rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'm not crazy. I'm just born smart. Only 1000 note above was the real money. Rest are all the toy money we get when we used to buy some candies during childhood days. I used to collect those toy money a lot often. Seriously I didn't know those toy money would be useful this way", I laughed slightly.

"You are literally...huh", he took a breath in disbelief.

"Let's go now. Mom must be thinking where would we be", he said and we headed towards his car. Before entering the car I called his name.

"Zeyer, you can have one", I gave him one candy the kid gave me.

"Didn't he give you that?", He asked.

"But you helped me too. So from my side", I said and forcefully handed him one and got inside the car.

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