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Start from the beginning

( italics = thoughts )

"Why is it, Raven," she muses within the confines of her own introspection, "that I feel so safe with you? Every time you hold me close, it's as if I'm protected from a tsunami of chaos around. Through all the twists and turns of our journey until now, and even knowing you are here for a purpose, why don't I want it to end? Why don't I want you to go away, even when I know there's another girl you love and another life you'll eventually live?"

The dance unfolds, dipping and swirling, creating an intricate pattern of intimacy between them. As Raven leads her with practiced grace, Eve's thoughts continue to weave a poetic tapestry of emotion.

"In this moment, all my imaginations seem to find their end," she reflects, her gaze locking onto Raven's eyes. "The weight of the world fades away, and it's just you and me, dancing through the chapters of our story."

The dance reaches a poignant crescendo as Raven executes a gentle dip, drawing Eve closer to him. In that fleeting moment, as the world tilts and swirls around them, Eve's heart beats in sync with the rhythm of the music.

"Why does your presence feel like a timeless refuge?" she wonders, the tender strains of her internal musings harmonizing with the melody. "Even knowing the limitations, the eventual parting, I want to hold on to this moment. Maybe in the dance, in the quiet whispers of the night, I've found something beyond the boundaries of reason."

As the final notes of the song fade away, Eve remains locked in Raven's arms, the echoes of her internal monologue lingering in the quiet spaces between them.


The lively New Year's Eve celebration continues to unfold, with laughter, music, and the promise of a fresh start in the air. Eve gracefully mingles with colleagues of Mr. Dale, engaging in spirited conversations and occasionally sharing laughs with Raven, who stands steadfast by her side.

However, as the night progresses, Raven can't shake the feeling that something is off. He notices that Daniel is conspicuously absent from Eve's vicinity after their dance. The absence of the playboy raises a silent question in Raven's mind, one that festers as he engages in casual conversations with others.

Amidst the vibrant crowd, a random guy strikes up a conversation with Raven. As they exchange pleasantries, Raven's attention momentarily drifts, and he realizes that Eve is nowhere in sight. His instincts kick in, and a subtle sense of worry creeps into his thoughts.

"Hey, Raven, you seem a bit distracted. Everything okay?" the guy asks, noting the change in Raven's demeanor.

Raven, trying to maintain composure, glances around, subtly searching for Eve. "Yeah, just got lost in the crowd. Excuse me for a moment."

As he maneuvers through the partygoers, Raven's concern intensifies.


In the dimly lit corner, the festive air takes a sharp turn as Daniel, fully intoxicated and lacking his usual charm, attempts to get physically close to Eve. Despite her polite attempts to push him away and engage in a coherent conversation, Daniel's drunken state makes him persist in a manner that is increasingly uncomfortable.

Eve, looking slightly taken aback, tries to maintain her composure as Daniel slurs his words, "Eve, you're something else, you know? You really know how to... how to light up a room."

Eve, managing a polite smile, responds, "Daniel, I think you've had enough to drink. Maybe it's time to take a break."

Daniel, undeterred, pulls her closer, his movements unsteady. "No, no breaks, Eve. Let's make this night unforgettable."

As Daniel's intoxicated attempt to forcefully kiss Eve reaches a critical point, Raven, who has just spotted the distressing scene, feels a surge of fury. Without uttering a word, his eyes blazing with anger, he swiftly intervenes.

In an instant, Raven delivers a powerful punch, catching Daniel off guard and sending him staggering backward. Disoriented and bewildered, Daniel tries to regain his footing, but Raven, now fully outraged by the blatant disregard for Eve's boundaries, delivers another forceful punch.

"How did you even think of touching Eve without her permission?" Raven seethes, his voice low and menacing.

Daniel, now more confused than ever, attempts to stand up, but Raven, driven by a protective rage, continues to deliver a series of punches, each one punctuating his disdain for such disrespectful behavior.

Eve, witnessing the escalating violence, pleads with Raven, "Raven, enough! Let him go!"

Raven, momentarily lost in his fury, seems oblivious to Eve's plea. He delivers another punch, his actions fueled by a determination to make Daniel understand the gravity of his actions.

Eve, her concern deepening, steps forward, physically pulling Raven away from the disoriented Daniel. "Raven, stop! It's enough. Let him go."

Raven, breathing heavily, glares at Daniel one last time before finally stepping back. Daniel, now dazed and confused, tries to collect himself, his earlier bravado replaced by an unexpected confrontation.

As Raven reluctantly relents, Eve, her voice firm, directs her attention toward the shaken Daniel. "Daniel, go home. You've had too much to drink. We'll discuss this when you're sober."


In the open space outside the tumultuous encounter, Raven's anger still simmers beneath the surface. His frustration spills over as he shouts, "Why did you stop me from beating that bastard?"

Eve, her eyes reflecting a mix of concern and understanding, attempts to calm him down. "Raven, I appreciate your concern, but I was handling it."

But rather than pacifying him, Eve's words seem to fuel Raven's frustration even more. His jaw clenches, and his eyes narrow with intensity. "Handling it? He was about to force himself on you! I couldn't just stand there and watch."

Eve, realizing the depth of Raven's emotions, reaches out to him, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. "Raven, I know you were trying to protect me, and I appreciate that. But violence isn't the solution. Let's just put this behind us and enjoy the rest of the night."

Despite Eve's attempt to diffuse the tension, Raven remains visibly agitated. His emotions, a tumultuous mix of protectiveness and anger, continue to ripple through him.

As Raven's anger continues to reverberate in the open space, Eve, overcome with frustration, finally breaks. "Why do you care, Raven? It's not like you're actually my bodyguard. You're just here for the mission, aren't you? So why all this pretending? Why show that you care when you're here for just some more time?" Her voice cracks with pain, revealing the depth of her emotional turmoil.

The words hang in the air, a bitter sentiment that cuts through the charged atmosphere. Raven, stung by Eve's accusation, feels a pang of hurt.

In a low, whispering voice, Raven implores, "Look into my eyes, Eve."

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