Chapter 13 - Maybe Fate.

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You closed your eyes but what Natasha said was flashing through your mind. "Maybe he's not wrong.", "Maybe I've just misunderstood him." you thought.
You closed your eyes and turned around to sleep but second after second, all the time that you spent with Shubman flashed across your mind. It was as if someone is calling you through time. 

Next morning you woke up, later than usual and went for breakfast. By the time everyone was there, and Hardik was about to talk. 

"Morning!" said Noor as he offered you a seat beside him.

"Hey! What's all this?" you asked after a giving him a smile.

"Don't know. I just got here as well." replied Noor.

"Okay guys..." Hardik started. 
"So... we've spent the last two and a half months together and sadly it's now time to part ways again. We have been so great as a team, we may have bad days, but we gave everything we had and as a captain, I'm super proud of it. I don't want to say this but that's the way of it... uhm this is our last day as a team cause some of the boys will be leaving tomorrow morning. But anyways... enjoy today to the fullest and I hope to see you guys again very soon." 

Natasha and a few more other players gave a quick speech, and they called out Shubman to speak a few words as well. 

"Uhhhm, it has been a great experience, spending time with each player and getting to know all the different characters has been one of the best. we've had many match winners throughout this tournament, and I hope it stays the same for next year as well and that we'll be able to achieve greater heights. Also, I've met a few special people during the last month and uhh I'm very thankful for them. A lot." Shubman finished after sharing glance with you.

After listening to all the speeches and having breakfast, you and Noor took a stroll near the pool.

"Wow. It has already been a month. It still feels like I got here just yesterday." you stated.

"Umhmm time flies by very quickly." said Noor.

"Good thing you're not leaving anytime soon." you said with a soft smile.

"Well about that...... I'm also leaving." Noor said after a long breath.

"What??? tomorrow?" you shouted.

"Not tomorrow, the day after." Noor replied.

"What do you mean 'day after'?" You asked worriedly.

"The day after tomorrow." Noor said.

"Why would you not tell me!?" you yelled.

"Well, I thought you wouldn't care..."  stated Noor.

"Why would I not care??!!" you said.

A moment of silence spread through the air and after giving out a sigh, you walked back to your room. You sat in your bed and went through several flights to get back to your hometown. You dialed the airline number halfway till you heard a knock at your door. You slowly opened the door only to realize that it was Shubman. 

"May I come in?" asked Shubman.
You nodded as in saying yes.

"So uhm what are your plans later?" started Shubman.

"I don't think any of it matters to you." you replied shortly. 

"Oh come on, if this is about Sara then I can promise you that there's nothing between us." 

"I've heard those promises before." you shrugged.

"And have I broken any? ask yourself that..." replied Shubman.
A tear drop jumped out of your eye as soon as he finished that line.
"You saw me with her for once and all the trust you had in me is gone. Well, I don't know how to prove it to you, but I just want you to know that I love you. I love you the same way I did before." Shubman finished. 

After a couple of minutes, Shubman left and once again you were alone in the middle of nowhere. You jumped to your bed with tears and before you knew, you fell asleep while getting lost in your thoughts. You woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing. Natasha was on the phone telling you quickly come downstairs for the cake cutting ceremony. You quickly got changed and ran downstairs. You stood next to Natasha and started peeking around the whole room.

"Who are you looking for?" whispered Natasha.

"Uhm did you see Noor?" you asked.

"He's somewhere around here." Natasha said after taking a big glance at the whole room.

After cutting the cake everyone sat down to enjoy the evening with music, food and lots of gifts. There were many games for everyone and as the last activity, the crew planned a gift exchange where each person has to gift someone in the room who's very special to them. They started with Hardik, who gifted his lovely wife a pair of air pods and then Mohit Sharma gifted Mohammed Shami a new pair of shoes. Just like that everyone got a chance and eventually it was Shubman's turn. He got on to the stage and grabbed the mic.

"So the person I want to celebrate today is actually someone I met during this season and that person has also become my inspiration going further in my career. And that person is......" Shubman took a long breath. "Aanya" He finished. 

Thank you so much for reading! And also, are you guys a fan of Noor or Shubman? I'll be back with the next chapter. 🌸🌸🌸

Lost in those eyes    ~Shubman GillWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt