Chapter - 5 Couple Goals

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It was a sunny Saturday. You woke up with a smile on your face and kind of a calming mood. You brushed your teeth and was arranging your bed when you heard a knock on your door. "Oh my gosh! Is it Shubman?" you thought. As soon as the name Shubman came to your mind your heartbeat started running like crazy. You opened the door while smiling and blushing, only to realize that it was Natasha. 

"Oh God! why are you smiling? Ohh oh wait your face is red" said Natasha before starting to laugh at your face. 

"Why is it you?" you started whining like a child.

"Well, who else were you expecting?" she asked in a curious voice. "And that's not the nicest way to say Good Morning" she said in a offensive way.

"Okay okay, Good Morning! Are you happy now?" You said to make up for your mistake. "And what brings you here?"

"Do you know what day it is today? I think you don't. Anyways, it's Gujarat day" she said in a exited voice.

"What? what's that?" You asked.

"Well, it's the day that this state came into existence. So, we celebrate it today with some games and other stuff. It'll be fun and also, we have to dress up in cultural outfits. That way it's more reliable." She said with a pride look on her face for the brief explanation.

"Oh, shoot I don't think I have any outfit that'll be close to a cultural outfit" you said with a disappointed face.

"And that's why I got you a new one." she said while handing you a bag.

"Oh my gosh! thank you so much." you said while hugging her softly.

"Okay okay, that's enough now. The event will be at the garden around 7 at night. so you have plenty of time to think about other stuff." she said while getting out of the room. "Now come here and have some breakfast."

You were so excited about the event that you forgot everything on your mind. You sat down in a corner table with your breakfast. You were eating and looking at some hairstyles until someone came to your table.

"Morning! remember me?" asked the boy who sat down next to you.

"Umm yeah. You're Noor, right? the one I went to the cafe with. Right?" you said while taking a dive in your memory lane.

"Yup. that's me. You have a good memory." he said while taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"Well, that was only a few days ago so of course I remember" you said with a small smile.

You heard some footsteps, so you turned around and to your surprise it was Shubman. He was walking towards you. He came to your table and sat in the opposite direction from where Noor was.

"So, what are you two talking about" Shubman said with a cold face.

"Oh, nothing important. just some catching up." Noor finished his line while looking at you.

"Uhmm there must be lot to talk then" said Shubman with a bit of jealousy in his face. "Anyways I shouldn't disturb you guys then."

"Oh no it's fine, you can stay. Actually, there's not a lot of things to talk about" you said while looking at Shubman.

"Oh well you're coming for tonight's event, right?" asked Noor while cutting off.

"Uh yeah I am." you said.

"Well then I guess I'll see you tonight." Said Noor while patting your shoulder. "Okay then I'm leaving.

As soon as he left you looked at Shubman's face. You knew he was kind of jealous but you didn't really expect his face to be red.

"Oh my gosh! your face is red" you said in a funny way.

"Oh yeah now only you care." he said in a rough voice. "Why was he talking to you anyway?"

"Chill he's just a friend" You calmed him by changing the subject.

You two talked about other stuff for some time. After breakfast, the players played a mini cricket match downstairs in the garden. You spent you noon in Shubman's room. He had some movies for you two to watch and some fun TikTok games. There was a picture book on his bed, so you grabbed it for a look. Shubman also sat beside you to take a look.

"What's this?" you asked.

"Just a book I bought from the mall." he said.

"Why is it about COUPLES?" you asked while laughing.

"Well, I thought it would suit us. Now that we are... you know who" he said while putting his arm around you.

He turned the pages one by one explaining every picture how he wants to do those stuff with you. Time passed quickly and it was time for you to get ready so you came back to your room. You took a quick shower and changed into the dress Natasha gave you in the morning. You did your hair and makeup and was off for the event. They had fixed colorful lights, tables and speakers for music. Some were already there by the time you went. As soon as you entered, everyone looked at you for your beauty and most importantly Shubman. He was smiling and waiting for you to come to him. You went there and sat beside Shubman. After some time everyone was there. Music started playing and some games were started as well. After dinner, the team captain Hardik, took the mic for a few words. 

"I hope everyone is having fun and as a team this is great opportunity to get to know each other more. By now we know everyone here so it's like family. So tonight, everybody have fun to the fullest. Oh, and also there's a slow dance starting in about 5 minutes so if you want to participate go find a partner and let's see ya'll on stage." said Hardik. 

Shubman was nowhere to be found. You thought maybe he doesn't like to dance. But then you saw Shubman coming towards you with a flower in his hands. 

"Hey! uhmm uh will you uhh...."  he started shivering.

"Dance? I'd love to" you finished the sentence for him.

"Yeah dance." he said and took you on stage.

You two were also joined by Hardik and Natasha and a few others. You both were looking at each other's eyes through the whole dance. Second by second and step by step it was even more romantic. He was holding you tightly like it was your last day living. Time flew and the dance came to an end. Lot of people there said that you two danced just like a real couple but what they didn't knew was that you guys really are. The event came to an end, and everyone went to their rooms before you and Shubman sat down in the swing which was in the garden. 

"So did you have fun?" he asked.

"Yeah. It was fun. How about you?" you said while looking at the night sky.

"Uhmm a lot. You seem to be liking the sky today." he said while sharing glances between you and the sky.

"Well, it's one of my favorite things in the world." you said with a small smile.

"Umm and am I also in that list of your favorite things?" he asked again while holding his glance at you.

"Ummm maybe" you said while smiling and blushing.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry for being late with this chapter. I'll upload the next chapters as soon as possible. Thanks for reading. 🌸🌸🌸

Lost in those eyes    ~Shubman GillWhere stories live. Discover now