CHAP 3: The moving in and the classmates

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Today was the day athanasia could finally be discharged from the hospital, but she still had to wait as Takemichi would still be in school since it's a Friday today.

Athanasia waited inside the hospital waiting room, awaiting for Takemichi's morning class to finish.

The nurses and doctors all smiled as the walked pass her, while the other patients and visitors were mesmerized by her fairy-like beauty.

Athanasia watched read a few magazines as she sighed, looking at the clock hanged on the hospital wall.

it was 11:50 am  now.

Meaning Takemichi would be here in any moment soon..

Athanasia closed her eyes for a moment, wanting to take a short nap while she waited.


Athanasia heard her name being called, as she slowly opened her eyes to see Takemichi just a few inches away from her face.

He quickly backed away, blushing.

"I-i didn't mean to be so close.. i-im so sorry Athy.." Takemichi said with a flushed face, as athanasia giggled.

"It's fine, Takemichi." Athanasia spoke in her usual polite and ladylike tone.

"W-well, l-lets get going to my apartment before I have to go back to school." Takemichi spoke with a stutter, holding athanasia's hand gently to lead her out.

"alright," Athanasia smiled, a smile that truly did melt Takemichi's heart, along with the passersby who took notice of her.

Fifteen minutes later...

The two finally arrived to Takemichi's apartment, entering the clean apartment.

'eh? Takemichi's apartment in the manga was said to be dirty as  he didn't care about cleaning.. so why is it so clean now..' athanasia thought to herself, she could never voice her current thoughts at the moment to Takemichi, not wanting to offend him, of course.

Little does athanasia know that Takemichi spent the entire night yesterday cleaning his apartment for her arrival today..

"Athy, this is where you'll be sleeping at." Takemichi spoke, as he lead athanasia to the spare bedroom.

"This will be your room from now on." Takemichi spoke. athanasia smiled and tackled him in a hug, to which Takemichi hugged back.

Soon, a hurried knock on the door could be heard, which broke the hug the two shared.

"I'll go get it," Takemichi said, causing athanasia to nod.

Takemichi left athanasia's room to go back to the living room, where the front door was.

Takemichi opened the door, about to ask who it was before the people who knocked just went inside his apartment.

Takemichi was about to say something about their rudeness before he looked at them and realized it was his friends, Akkun, Takuya, Makoto, And Yamagishi.

"Why are you guys here?" Takemichi asked with confusion, since they usually ate at the school cafeteria.

"We're here cause you ditched us right after class ended." Takuya said with a chuckle.

"Yea, why'd you even ditch us?" Makoto asked

"We were supposed to have lunch together at the cafeteria." Akkun spoke in a curious tone.

Takemichi was about to say something before yamagishi interrupted him,

"I know why Takemichi ditched us," yamagishi stated, as his glasses almost fell while he lifted them up.

The three other boys looked curious to what possible theory yamagishi had come up with, along with Takemichi who looked equally curious.

"It's because he's with a girl! And he doesn't want to tell us!" Yamagishi stated, as the other three boys paled.

"Seriously Takemichi? Aren't you already dating tachibana?" Takuya said, as akkun sighed.

Suddenly, athanasia went to the living room, which made Takemichi's friends silent upon seeing the girl, and became even more silent upon realizing the pretty girl had jeweled blue eyes..

"Whoa, Takemichi. So you really are cheating on tachibana!" Yamagishi said, surprised that his own theory was correct.

"She's so pretty.." akkun muttered, as takuya and makoto fanned over athanasia complimenting her.

"I'm not cheating on Hina. This girl is athanasia, My cousin. I came home because I needed to pick her up." Takemichi explained, keeping the lie about he and athanasia being cousins.

"She's your cousin?! But she's so beautiful!" Makoto stated, looking shocked, while takuya looked even more shocked.

"YOUR COUSIN?! BUT YOU TWO LOOK NOTHING ALIKE!" Yamagishi shouted loud at Takemichi for a proper explanation.

"Pardon me, but please do not shout at Takemichi.." athanasia spoke, her tone angelic as usual. Takuya and makoto blushed even more as they were the closest to her at the moment.

Yamagishi nodded at athanasia's words as he blushed, but not as much as takuya and makoto were blushing.

"She even sounds angelic! How are you two cousins?!" Yamagishi said, not yelling nor shouting per athanasia's request.

The four boys had been yet again mesmerized by athanasia's beauty and her unique jeweled blue eyes.

"Do cousins really need to bear similarities?" Takemichi frowned.

"Well they should have atleast one similarity, but your cousin here has soft looking natural blonde hair while you have dyed gold hair, and you have ocean blue eyes while athanasia has jeweled blue eyes! Aswell as a fairy-like face and angelic voice!" Yamagishi stated the facts, not believing the two were cousins when they bared no similarities to each other at all, even in their way of speech. Athanasia had a polite and soft way of talking, while Takemichi didn't.

"You can believe what you want, but Athanasia and I are biological cousins." Takemichi sighed, giving up on convincing his friends.

Athanasia giggled at Takemichi's giving up face, finding it adorable. The five boys all blushed upon hearing athanasia's cute giggle.

The four of Takemichi's friends sat there in a daze, their gazes stuck on the beautiful blonde.

"From what I've heard from your conversation, I apologize for eavesdropping on your conversation earlier, but have you five not eaten yet at all?" Athanasia asked in a worried tone, her expression full of worry.

"Well yeah.. we didn't eat yet cause we went here.." akkun said awkwardly, not really knowing how to talk to a pretty girl like athanasia.

"We packed our lunches though." makoto said, not wanting to worry athanasia since he liked her pretty face with a smile instead of a worried expression.

"Right, Athanasia. Have you eaten yet?" Yamagishi asked, wanting to be apart of the conversation with the pretty girl.

"I've eaten already at the hospital earlier. So I'll go back to my room to leave you five to eat. See you later," athanasia spoke, as she quickly left the living room to let the five bestfriends talk alone as she felt like she was interrupting them.

Before one of the five boys could speak to ask athanasia to join them talk, the pretty girl had already left back to her room.

"Takemichi." Akkun said with a smile. Takemichi paled upon the sight of his friends with curious gazes at him.

They were mad Takemichi had never told them about athanasia before, and how they had only gotten to meet the beautiful girl only now..



Jeweled Eyes (TOKYO REVENGERS X WMMAP CROSSOVER)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz