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   ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

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  ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

BEFORE THE SUNRISES IN JAPAN an purple evil flash hits towards the earth
Out of the smoke came a different creature something other than human. His Name is Warumono - San , he is a high ranking officer of Evil League. Which fights daily to wipe out human kind and claim the earth in the Name of there home planet however, Mr. Villain is not here to destroy human kind today because today is his day off.

His curiosity had tempted him to loiter around his neighborhood, present in his human form wearing a black turtle neck, black pants , with long blue trench coat wavering in the air his hands in the pockets of the coat as his black formal shoes "clicked" On the road his hair covering his mustard eyes.
As a thought of sitting at the near by playground bench and relax on his day off.

Children playing on the swings, birds chirping and the tree's leaves danced on the direction of the wind.
Some kids pointing at him and telling their mother" how scary he is "  As his mother told the kids not to point at him although warumono-san heard everything and clicked his tongue.
"These earthlings didn't educate their children to be respectful to elders. "

As he was about to get up and leave, a football approached by his slender legs and gently touched his ankle.
The child shouted and waved at warumono"excuse me mister ! Can you pass the ball! Please"  The child requested and warumono picked it up and gently passed the ball towards the children playing the children thanked him and Mr. Villain walked out of the playground. With old women gushing over his good features.
He bought ticket to the ZOO, he walked around catching people's eyes.
'I begin my day's off with a delicious meal and a feast for the  cuddly things are excellent for this purpose.'  he thought to himself.

He took couple thousands pictures of the panda from his phone in a second and watched the pandas single move, as the panda made a single move he would take out his phone and start clicking pictures of the panda in new pose .
After standing for hours and staring at the adorable cuddly panda, warumono bought panda Souvenir from the ZOO.

Sun started to set as he walked on the street back home, and stopped by the convenience store and bought some ingredients for dinner.
Reaching at his apartment he took a hot bath and tried making curry-rice even though it wasn't great but it filled his stomach he set up his futon and scrolled though the photos of panda with a small smile placed on his face and  he closed his heavy lidded eyes.
He made most of it from his day off.


5 months have passed and Mr. Villain visits earth on his precious day off.
The sun light enter through the window indicating it's morning, warumono groaned opened his eyes feeling cold "its cold " He said in his raspy morning voice and unwrapped the blanket around his arm to grab AC remote that was laying  beside his futon he quickly turned off the AC and wrapped the blanket around him cuddling.
"It's profoundly cold but if I stay in bed like this my precious day off will pass by" He said and got up to do his daily routine.

When he opened his fridge he saw he only had milk and eggs, he cracked the egg shell and fried it on the pan. After making his breakfast he put on a panda show on his TV while he ate his meal.
"I should buy some items from the convenience store " .
Mr. Villain walked through  road, the birds chirping, he entered the store and was welcomed by the staff. He picked the basket up and filled it with necessary items he needed, and when his eyes fell on panda snacks his eyes started to twitch 'HOW THE HELL! THESE EARTHLINGS CAN EAT ADORABLE PANDAS!?!? ' he thought to himself furious from the humans action and his hand turned into fist and banged the aisle,  the staff got worried a bit but got scared to ask him if he is okay due to his anger .
The store door got opened and two kids left with ice cream in their hands and a beautiful women entered with a sweet smile placed on her face her long her done elegantly in a braided bun .
she picked the basket up and bought the items she had on her list  suddenly you could hear a childs muffled cries, he was crying over his ice cream that melted you felt sad you thought about buying him a new one it make his day better at list. You went to the display fridge and grabbed a ice cream bar as you closed the display fridge a charming man came and stood beside keeping his distance from you his black wavy locks coverd his mysterious eyes, you have seen him 'I have seen him he always comes to the store on day offs he tries various snacks in the store, should I recommend him? ' you thought to your self  and you're lips parted "um! Excuse me may I recommend you seem to be struggling with the choices available here"
You spoke and he turned his head and looked at you pointed at the ice cream " It is vanilla bar with chocolate coated, and it had chocolate bear ears "  You said.
And he grabbed the packet and coldy said "thank you"  You bowed slightly and smiled "no problem! "  .
You did your check out and approached the crying kid " Here you go! A new one don't cry" The child stopped crying and looked at you with his puffy eyes and his eyes locked somewhere else, you felt shivers down you're spine something hovered behind you, you stood up straight and you missed you're footing and your back bumped with someone as you mumbled a sorry for bumping you saw the familiar figure it was the same men who you recommend the ice cream.

"I -I am sorry i bumped into you, are you hurt? " You said  "I am fine" He said coldy and he gave the child the ice cream you recommended the crying child beamed with joy "thank you Mr. And Mrs. For the ice cream! "


  ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

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  MR. VILLIAN'S DAY OFF WITH HIS BELOVED Where stories live. Discover now