Chapter Forty-One

Start from the beginning

It's not time for that bombshell to drop yet.

"We were in the forest with Hermione," Tillian lies effortlessly. "She didn't tell you? Check."

"Merlin's beard!" Ron cries out angrily. "How do you keep doing that?"

"Because I'm really good at wizard's chess."

"And so am I! At least, I was. Damn."

"At least it's not Spades," Harry says. "I'm dreadful at that game."

"Oh, come off it," Hermione says. "I remember you being perfectly fine."

"What's Spades?" Ron asks.

"You don't know how to play Spades?!" Hermione, Tillian, and Harry shout at the same time.

"Why the Hell would I know how to play Spades?!" Ron shouts back, half-laughing. "I'm not a Muggle!"

Hermione shakes her head. "Can't believe it. Well, here we go. Time for me to explain it to you."


"Because we're playing Spades! Now that I know you don't know what it is."

"I don't know what it is, either," Ginny says.

Neville nods. "Same here."

"Everyone come and sit in front of me on the floor. I'll call Pinky to bring us a pack of cards, and then I'll show you. Sit, sit."

"What?" Ron cries. "But we haven't finished our game!"

"Checkmate," Tillian says.

Ron blinks at him in shock before frantically inspecting the board. His jaw drops.

"You cleared me, mate. Bloody Hell."

Tillian grins.

"With the quickness, please!" Hermione snaps. Pinky's already brought the cards and left. They're taking too long.

Once everyone is seated, Hermione takes the time to explain the game to everyone, showing them the correct and wrong ways to play it. Everyone listens intently, but Hermione can tell she's losing Ron. Which isn't out of the realm of sense, given she couldn't get him to pay attention to her when they were teenagers unless she dangled a biscuit over his head.

This time, he seems to be unfocused for another reason.

As Harry and Ginny are deep in discussion about a rule of the game, everyone focusing on them, Hermione turns her head and sees that Ron is staring at her. No.

He's gazing.

Oh, Hell.

Hermione offers him a small smile. "What's the matter, Ronald?"

"Nothing," he says softly, blue eyes twinkling. "It feels good."

"What does?"

"Hearing you tell me what to do."

Not us. Me.

Hermione swallows against a dry lump in her throat. She's pretty sure Ron's still got feelings for her. This is very, very bad. Maybe years ago, she would have returned the feelings, but so much time has passed. She thought he was dead. And then she went and fell for the absolute last person he'd ever understand her falling for.

This new, soft and calm version of Ron isn't going to last. Not when he finds out the truth. None of them are going to understand, least of all Ron. And Hermione's not scared for Draco.

She's scared for Ron.

The silence has stretched a bit awkward by the time Ginny's voice cuts in.

"I think we all missed Hermione's lectures, yeah?" She nudges Hermione's waist with her elbow. "It's like we're back at Hogwarts."

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