Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One


Drew Holiday

I was pleased to find out that some of the more unpleasant rumors turned out not to be true. Although I was a bit surprised about the tattoo. She lifted the bottom half of her shirt, only to reveal a small black tattoo. It was composed honor tiny intricate swirls and brush marks, each as tiny as a needle point. They locked and connected together to make the shape of a paw print.

It was so delicately formed and complex that I stared at it in awe. I subconsciously reached out to touch the beautiful design on her tan summer skin. I felt her back go stiff as my fingers made contact with the ink marking on her smooth lower back. The moment was so presise and intimate it seemed to happen in slow motion. The air became thick and static filled, while my fingers stayed frozen to her warm skin. She moaned a soft echoey moan, I froze as shivvers ran up my spine.

She turned around and I nearly gasped as I saw the look in her eyes. It was such intense lust that you could tell it was no longer logical. The desire and passion that filled her eyes was not one of love, but one that reminded me of a predator eyeing up its prey before it swallows it whole. I gulped. I didn't dare to breath, she stayed completely still, as if challenged me to move, only for her to go in for the kill in an instant.

I had to breathe. My lungs began to ache from lack of oxygen. I sucked in a deep breath through my nose, not taking the risk to open my mouth, fearful that it would be too large a movement. An intoxicating aroma heightened my senses. Everything began sharper and brighter as the scent filled my system. It was her. She smelt like everything wonderful all at once. Is it impossible that someone could smell like sunshine?

As if on cue she moved forward. My vision now completely clouded by her mere presence. As she lean closer, in a trance of unbreakable proportions, she stopped. It was if she was fighting a losing battle. Her hands rested on my knees. The instant her skin met mine it was like a chemical reaction. Theresukt of our contact was flammable.

She pulled herself onto my lap and stared into my eyes, our gaze as immovable as a new cement foundation. I looked at her eyes. They swirled with intense emotion and the hints of gold in the emerald seas flickered in the light. I still hadn't moved an inch. She pulled herself even closer. Her fingers

entangling themselves in my hair. The softest tug sending me off the wall. She brought her tiny perfect nose up to my neck and inhaled deeply, as if memorizing my scent a million times over, I know that's what I was doing. She kept running her fingers through my hair, making me dizzy with lust as hell. I bit my lip, fighting to keep self control.

My wolf told me to cut out the shit and to mark her now. But I knew better than to listen to my wolf's compulsive primal instincts. I was to let her make the first move, that was what we were tought. I nearly growled at the unbearable thought that she might be perfectly content going on like this for hours, without ever making a single move. She was driving me crazy.

Just do it already! I felt like shouting at her. Make your move! She rested her forehead on mine, her nose only spaced the tiniest bit away from my own. She was even more beautiful and hypnotizing up close. She turned her head so that the tip of her nose touched right beside mine. She trailed down lower at this distance until her lips hovered over mine. I wanted to grab her and kiss her so fiercely that she'd be scared. I waited impatiently for her to start the contact. Only the tiniest bit further and I had every right to take over from here on out. I was waiting for our lips to connect when instead I felt a hot breath on my lips.

I opened my eyes to meet Hailey's stunning green ones. She blinked a couple times, looking stunned. Shestared looked like she had temporarily awoken from a deep sleep. She gasped and pulled herself off

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