Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven


Hailey Jane Rexler

I have to stay away from him. He's nothing but trouble. He's a total player and can't be trusted. Nothing good can come from being around him. So why did I feel so bad about telling him off last night? He just wanted to be friends... I think I could tell simply by the air of things that Drew was not as simple minded as I had first thought, and everyone currently thinks. He was actually smart... well maybe not smart. Perhaps the words cunning or sly would fit him better? You see, I'm fairly good at reading people, and Drew? I could tell he never did anything with out an alterior motive. Yet, I have yet to spot one, which was throwing me off to say the least. There was just something about him that kept me wondering. Who was Drew Holiday really? To everyone else in the world, he was the gorgeous captain of the football team, the martyr of John Pope High, the light in the dark of high school. To me? I was lost. However, I seemed to think he was none of those thinks. It was all an act, it had to be. But that's what was puzzling me, why did I feel the need, the longing, for it to be all an act? Why didn't I want him to be just another superficial airhead? One word came to mind; disappointment. And why? That's what brought me to my current state.

I sat under my favourite tree by the football field. Scanning over the same part in my book I'd been stuck on for days. Everytime I opened it up, I'd get lost in a train of thought and no reading would get accomplished whatsoever. This time, I was distracted y a group of sweaty oafs trouncing around the football field and running drills. I was about to roll my eyes and scoff, football was never my favourite sport, when I saw something that suprisingly caught my interest. It was Drew playing football. Weird... I know right! I watched he throw a ball as his muscles flexed with the follow-through. When you thought about the way he was doing it all, he almost made football look graceful. The ball spiralled through the air, in a magnificent arc, it landed precisely in Danny's hands. And Drew flexed his muscles and grinned like an idiot. A smile crept to my lips, something about the way his whole demeanor lit up when he grinned was contagious, the sweat glittering in a natural way plastering his warm-up jersey to his well toned chest. Suddenly, I realized that I was staring at him like an idiot. I pried my eyes away from the spectacle. What was going on? I hated football? And suddenly it seemed all graceful and magnificent? I must be losing it... unless of course I've already lost it. I sighed and put my book away. I found a pencil and notebook in my bag. I began to draw looping scribbles, which soon formed a familiar figure.

'Hey there,' I said annoyed, looking at the black wolf I'd just finished sketching. 'What is it with you?' I muttered.

'I don't know, what is it with me?' I heard a voice chuckle. I slammed my notebook closed, my heart racing. I looked up at the sweat laced figure, blocking the sun for me. 

'What are you doing over here?' I asked Drew annoyed.

'I could ask you the same thing, but I just presumed you were here to watch me play football like all the others.' he smirked, glancing towards the group of waving blonde bimbos in the bleachers.

'Why would I come to watch you play football?' I scoffed, slipping my notebook back in my bag. Not that my actual intentions stopped me from watching him play football anyway. 

'Because I'm a freaking God!' he said in a deep manly voice, flexing his muscles. My heart skipped a beat, he was just joking, I reminded myself. I peeled my stare away from his muscles. 'So, so you want to work on our project tonight?' he asked.

'I'd love to...' I said sweetly, whilst getting up. 'But there's absolutely nowhere we can meet, so I guess I'll just have to-' he grabbed me arm. I swallowed in my throat as tingles filled my arm, like a warm comforting flame, slowly burning hotter. He blinked a couple times and let go of my arm, my skin instantly feeling cold without his touch. We both looked at each other confused. He looked anywhere but my eyes, there he goes again!

'What about my place?' he suggested.

'Are you crazy!?!' I shouted. People looked over from the pavillion and the bleachers. 'Are you crazy?!?' I hissed in a lower register.

'Maybe,' he said, giving me a movie star smile and grinning like an idiot, that grabbed something deep within my chest and tugged at it. I swallowed in my throat again, nervous habit I suppose.

'I can't,' I hissed. 'It's against the treaty.' I said.

'Does the treaty say anything about getting an F?' he asked, cocking a brow at me, it actually looked pretty sexy. Wait? Did I honestly think that? Yup, insanity confirmed. I will not fall victim of my own mind... or Drew's.

'Nope,' I said. 'It might've mentioned war somewhere in there thought.'

'Come on Hails,' he said. Hy heart stopped. Did he just call me Hails? Only my friends and family ever called me Hails. 'Live a little.' He was about to stare into my eyes, for good measure, to seal the deal, when he backed out at the last second and looked at nothing in particular at him left. 'My parents don't even know you're a werewolf, nonetheless from the North pack.' he tried to convince me.

'And you?' I asked. 'Don't you care?' He stopped, as if actually thinking about the idea for the first time. He looked back at me.

'Actually, I don't care. I'm not Alpha... yet. It's not my problem.' he said. I was suprised by his answer. I always thought him to be more of the... political type. You know, obligated to follow whatever orders were set in law by his government as if they were his own. Yet here he was, making desicions on his own! He was suprising me more and more every day.

'So, if I were to show up at your home tonight to work on our project... a member of the enemy pack, you wouldn't be phased... even in the slightest?' I asked.

'Not in the slightest.' he said. 'Does it bother you?' he asked.

'Not the whole enemies thing... just the repercussions.' I said looking down.

'Well, we just won't get caught.' he said, winking and walking off. He is absolutely baffling. 


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