Second Golden Ticket

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Charlie POV

I went to the room to see everyone saying "Happy birthday, Charlie!" Mom went to me with a gift "Here you are, Charlie." I took the gift that had a reddish brown paper bag with a red ribbon putting it all together. "Thank you." 

I opened up the present to reveal a red scarf "It's terrific!" "We each kitted a bit. Grandma Georgina, Grandma Josephine, and me." Grandma Josephine then said, "I did the end pieces with the little tassels." 

"And here's a little gift from Grandpa George and me." Grandpa Joe then gave me a gift that was so small and flat in brown paper on top of it with green ribbons. "I think I know what this is." 

I unwrapped the paper to reveal a Wonka bar "It is! A Wonka!" "Open it, Charlie. Let's see that Golden Ticket." "Wouldn't that be fantastic?" Mom looks at Grandpa Joe "It's not fair to raise his hopes." 

Grandpa Joe ignores Mom "Never mind. Go on, open it, Charlie. I want to see that gold!" Mom was still annoyed with him "Stop it, Dad." 

I look at Mom "I've got the same chance as anybody else, haven't I?" Then Grandpa Joe started to speak up "You got more, Charlie, because you want it more. Go on, open it!" I started to rip the chocolate bar wrapper open. "here goes." 

I turned around so they couldn't see I looked at the chocolate to see nothing but chocolate no golden ticket. "I got it!" I turn around "where?" "Let's see it!"

 I felt my smile turn upside down knowing I didn't get it "Fooled you, didn't I? You thought I had it." I looked at everyone's face to see their smile turn Grandpa Joe then said "Never mind, Charlie. You'll find one." 

 I take pieces off the chocolate "Here, everybody have a bite." But they all said "No, no, no, no, no." them shaking their head I turned to mom she responded very quietly "No, Charlie"

Veruca POV

I was very disappointed that I didn't get the first Golden Ticket so I told Daddy that he needed to hurry up with finding my Golden Ticket "I wanted to be the first to find a Golden Ticket, Daddy!" My father responds "I know, angel. We're doing the best we can. 

I've got every girl on the bleeding staff huntin' for you." I turn my chair around still pissed I didn't have my Golden Ticket "Alright! Where is it? Why haven't they found it?"

 I look at my father's pissed face "Veruca, sweetheart, I'm not a magician! Give me time!" I looked at him and yelled, "I want it now! What's the matter with those twerps down there?"

 My father responded "For five days now, the entire flippin' factory's been on the job! They haven't shelled a peanut in there since Monday! They've been shelling flamin' chocolate bars from dawn to dusk!"

 I yelled, "Make' them work nights!" My father opens the window "Come along, come along, you girls! Put a jerk in it, or you'll be out on your ears every one of ya, and listen to this the first girl that finds a Golden Ticket gets a one-pound bonus in her pay packet! What do you think of that?!" he closed the window where I heard all the girls cheering. 

"They're not even trying! They don't want to find it! They're jealous of me!" I said trying to make a sad tear in my eyes.

 "Sweetheart, I can't push them any harder. 19,000 bars an hour they're shelling. 760,000 they're done so far!"

 "You promised, Daddy! you promised I'd have it the very first day!" I threw some paper in the air my dad looked at Mom. 

"You're going to be very unpopular around here, Henry if you don't deliver soon." "It breaks my heart, Henrietta I hate to see her unhappy." I then stood up and went to Dad. 

"I won't talk to you ever again! You're a rotten mean father! You never give me anything I want!" I sat down next to Mom "And I won't go to school till I have it!" my dad bent his knee "Veruca, sweetheart, angel. Now, there are only four tickets left in the whole world, and the whole ruddy world's hunting for them! What can I do?"

 But then we heard a woman scream "I got it. I got it, Mr Salt! Here it is!" I went down saying "About time, too! I want it!" A man took the lady's hand and helped her go through the crowd of people screaming cheers and applause. I went down "Give me that ticket! It's mine!" I took the golden Ticket from her "I found the Golden Ticket." Then a man came to my shoulder and whispered some information to me.

News Reporter: "This, ladies and gentlemen is the sign of our times. The symbol of the havoc and the mad craze that's sweeping the world today. Whatever corner of the globe we are in whichever of the five continents we're on, the great search for Wonka Bars continues. 

We're now nearing the end of our 43rd day in the hunt for Golden Tickets. And everywhere we're beginning to see signs of anxiety. Every hour on the hour, new shipments are being sent to different points around the globe but they're just not moving fast enough. And as time passes, the men who seek them become more and more desperate."


"Gentlemen, I know how anxious you've all been during these last few days. But now I can safely say that your time and money have been well spent. We're about to witness the greatest miracle of the machine age. 

Based on a revolutionary Computonian Law of Probability this machine will tell us the precise location of the four remaining golden tickets." The man started to tap on some buttons and paper was coming out of the machine. He took the paper and read it out loud. 

"It says I won't tell that would be cheating." he crumbled up the paper and pressed some buttons "I am now telling the computer that if it will tell me the correct answer I will gladly share with it the grand prize." The computer started to print the paper and he took the paper and read it out loud again. "He says what would a computer do with a lifetime supply of chocolate?" He started to stutter and pushed some buttons "I am now telling the computer exactly what you can do with a lifetime supply of chocolate." the computer started to explode.

(Reader) POV

I was taking care of my bakery. It might not be busy as usual but it makes sense my husband is now selling chocolate for 6 kids. It does make me feel bad for those adults who are looking for it cause we're only selling them for kids, not adults so that percentage would be very low. 

I looked at my worker "You can go home now." After a couple of minutes they all left there was a telephone ringing I grabbed the phone "Hello this is the owner of Crescent Moon Patisserie who must this be." I heard it on the phone. 

"hello it's me Ayomide your aunt I just want to tell you about the Wonka bar that you wanted to give to my daughter." "yes did you give your daughter the Wonka bar now?" "No, but I want to say this thank you for giving my daughter this experience but who coming with her to the Wonka factory I know it is not you cause you got those kids."

 She is going with my sister since she only works in libraries." "Fine but if anything happens to her I will make sure you never see her." "I promise you. your child will be safe with me." I hung the phone up and guess I have to go talk to my sister for a while.

(1327 Words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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