Avery blushed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. She took her phone from Chaney and answered the call with a playful tone. "Speak of the devil, Omar. We were just talking about you."

Omar's deep laughter echoed through the phone, sending a shiver of excitement down Avery's spine. "I hope it was all good things," he replied, his voice filled with warmth.

Chaney couldn't help but interject, her mischievous smirk still in place. "Oh, don't worry, Omar. Only the best!"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over. I'm on the way back to my place from dinner and I want to see you."

Avery's heart skipped a beat at Omar's invitation. She exchanged a quick glance with Chaney, who raised an eyebrow suggestively. "Well, it seems like you're in luck," Avery replied, her voice laced with playful anticipation. "We were just about to head out for a nightcap. How about we swing by your place instead?"

Omar's voice held a hint of excitement as he responded, "That sounds perfect. I'll be waiting for you."

As Avery hung up the phone, she couldn't help but feel a surge of nervous energy. The thought of spending more time with Omar, exploring their connection further, was both thrilling and intimidating. But she knew deep down that she couldn't let fear hold her back from embracing this newfound adventure.

With a renewed sense of determination, Avery turned to her friends. "Well, ladies, it seems like the night is just getting started. Shall we go and see what surprises await us at Omar's place?"

Chaney and Brooke exchanged knowing glances before nodding in agreement. "Absolutely," Chaney replied, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

And with that, the three friends set off into the night, ready to embrace the unknown and let the magic of Turks and Caicos guide them on their unforgettable journey.

Getting up from her place on the bed, Avery walked over to the dresser, pulling it open to grab a body-hugging maxi dress. Although it was long, the dress showcased her cleavage in a tasteful yet sexy way. It was too late in the evening to put on any makeup onto her face, so she settled for a little mascara and lip gloss.

As she slipped into the dress, Avery couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. She knew that tonight was going to be fun, and she wanted to look and feel good without having to do much. With a final glance in the mirror, she adjusted her dress and took a deep breath, ready to face whatever the night had in store.

As they made their way to Omar's place, the warm Caribbean breeze brushed against Avery's skin, adding to the excitement in the air. The streets were alive with the sounds of laughter and music, and the vibrant colors of the island seemed to come alive under the moonlight.

When they arrived at Omar's place, Avery's heart raced with anticipation. The door swung open, revealing Omar standing there with a wide smile on his face. He looked effortlessly handsome.

"Welcome," he said, his voice filled with genuine warmth. "I'm so glad you could make it."

Avery's friends exchanged knowing glances, silently giving her their support. With a smile, she stepped forward, feeling a surge of electricity as Omar took her hand and led her inside.

The atmosphere inside was intimate and inviting, as he led them into the living room where his friends sat vibing, Omar poured each woman a glass of champagne, the bubbles dancing in the crystal glasses.

Although he'd invited over all of the women as a courtesy, Omar couldn't help but to take Avery's hand into his own, leading her away from where he girls sat talking with his friends as music played lowly in the background.

The Deepest Desire • A Odell Beckham Jr Erotic NovelWhere stories live. Discover now