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The district 10 duo had managed to fortify themselves within the foliage- despite the involvement in the bloodbath, the two managed to walk out unscathed which was a relief to the siblings.

From their vantage point, there are many different ways to watch other groups of tributes with their eyes being particularly set on the career pack as any opportunity to eliminate them must be taken up on in order to ensure the rebellions survival.

The two had gathered resources that they would need to survive and as time went by the two began to talk in order to break up the lingering silence between the pair due to there being no cannons sounded within the past few hours.

'You should eat, you can't be keeping watch forever.' Tiffany was concerned at the ongoing alertness Butch was showing, she understood why but she needed him in efficient condition in order to fulfill their mission to protect Katniss. Butch knew she was right and proceeded to eat some of the berries they had gathered- he was grateful to have his sister with him and safe for however long he could.

'I bet Mum and Dad are terrified, with their children in these games- we really are unlucky.'
Butch still couldn't believe the chances he would be reaped alongside his sister, he understood that the chances were higher due to the lack of victors within their district but it was still a cloud that constantly dampened his mind.

'I'm sure all the tributes families feel the same. I know that outrage had been seen once the districts had realised that two tributes with children had been reaped. This was never the deal, we didn't survive for this.'

Butch knew she was right, both he and Cecilia were the tributes with children at home. Although the two did not interact much- it was always nice for the two to disclose parenting tips to the other, it was a small act that meant a lot to either tribute- Butch was just glad that he wouldn't be the one to kill her.

He continued to be restless with his eyes darting in every direction- he was desperate to know if his friends were still alive within this arena, if they were suffering from the same torment or not. Tiffany could see how much this was eating him up but due to the given situation she knew her support would offer little comfort. They both needed answers as to who was alive, answers which would soon arrive in the next hour through the overhead darkness.

Fanfare cried out over the jungle as the images of the fallen illuminated from above. Butch rushed to his feet, pleading with whoever was listening for the safety of his allies.

The images of the district 5 male, district 6 male, district 8 male and female, district 9 male and female and the district 11 female all collectively appeared on the screen. All noble victors who now suffered their demise.

'Thank god.' Was all the words that Butch could muster from his exhausted frame. Tiffany slowly stood up and ushered her brother to bed where she would keep the first watch for the night. Before the two could assume their positions, 12 bells rang out amongst them- something terrible was about to begin but neither one knew the extent.
Daylight broke over their camp, throughout the night there was no movement besides the two switching watch. Tiffany was still asleep while Butch stood guard with a spear in hand- he certainly didn't feel any comfort in the nostalgia he was feeling. He still hadn't seen any sign of Finnick or Johanna and he wouldn't know their condition until the following night, that's why he was more determined than ever to search for either one but looking at the size of the arena- they could be anywhere.

Butch's train of thought was quickly broken once he heard the snap of a nearby branch. Someone was approaching. Was it one of his allies? He readied his spear while slowly moving towards his sleeping partner in order to wake her, with a slight connection between his foot and her back, she was waking up.

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