A Prison of Luxury

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After being whisked away into the trains following the reaping of the male and female tributes- Butch yearned for a moment to say goodbye to his daughter, a moment he was never granted unlike previous games.

Both Butch and his fellow tribute Tiffany Waxler both considered each other to be sibling as Tiffany's parents raised Butch as if he was their own due to the loss of his parents. The siblings both did not revel in their victories for long with them both facing their struggles- struggles which will all be brought back to them soon.

Their stylist- Annalise- was an overbearing individual with her priorities lying within the features of the tributes that she could emphasise to the capital rather than knowing the person she would be styling. This relationship never bothered either tribute much due to their distain for the capitol lifestyle so both went along willingly to any demands from the stylists around them in order to avoid further annoyance during their time within the concrete landscape.

As the district 10 tributes entered their living quarters neither seemed to show any sense of nostalgia- with both heading to their rooms in order to process the mental baggage returning to the capitol had brought upon them.

Butch at least had a good relationship with particular victors including Finnick Odair and Johanna Mason- so despite the unfortunate circumstances he was at least somewhat happy to see them soon, choosing to ignore the grim possibility that he would have to face either victor to return home. The trio were known to be inseparable, each acting as a found family for the other- not many people shared the weight of being a victor so to have each other was enough to make them all feel somewhat human.

He continued to dwell in his room while the prep team gathered their supplies in order to dress the tributes ready for the upcoming parade- a pitted dread lay within his stomach as reality had sunk in.

He left to check on his sister who was cradled in the corner- her eyes painted in a burning red. Tiffany was always the therapist of the family as was especially vital in the recovery of Butch's identity after battling depression after his games. She was always known to be a soft soul, one that now felt tainted with violence from her status as a victor. Butch mentored her to victory in order to ensure her survival was almost guaranteed, she knew she had the skills to be a killer but she never wanted to use them.

Butch understood this as he slid down the wall beside her. He knew that there was little comfort he could offer her as she felt the similar himself. Instead, the the two siblings sat in silence which was not uncommon for the pair but the two had an understanding that transcended words- the Capitol almost stripped them of who they were and now, they both feared there would be nothing left of them after this quarter quell.


As Katniss and Peeta gathered in their living room to listen to the wisdom of Haymitch, the pair were not anticipating the harsh reality of who they were up against. All trained killers. Thankfully, Haymitch wasn't going to spare a detail about any tribute in order to provide them with their biggest advantage. Silence fell into the room as the debrief began.

'Cashmere and Gloss. Brother and sister, district 1. They won back to back games, capital favourites, lots of sponsors- they will be lethal.'

The first set in the career pack- they made Marvel and Glimmer look like child's play.

'The other half of the career pack, Brutus and Enoboria.'

'What's with her teeth?'

'She had them filed into fangs so she could rip peoples throats out.'

'She's committed, I'll give her that.' Neither of the duo were surprised to see a career tribute dedicate so much of themselves to the games, this was their life's work after all.

'Wiress and Beetee. Not fighters but brilliant and... weird. Real tech savy. He won his games by electrocuting six tributes at once.'

'Morphlings. Masters of camouflage, basically won their games by hiding until everyone was dead. Self-medicating ever since which I applaud, not a threat.'

Then the district 4 male projected himself onto the screen.

'Finnick Odair, right?' Katniss and Peeta knew exactly who he was, and what he was capable of.

'Yes. He won his games at 14, youngest ever. Extremely humble.'

'You're kidding.'

'Yes I'm kidding, he's peacock, a total preener. But he's the Capitols darling, they love him, charming, smart and very skilled at combat, especially in water.'

'What about weaknesses?' Peeta was finally starting to learn who his greatest threats would be.

'One, Mags. She volunteered for Annie, Mags was his mentor and basically raised him, if he's trying to protect her in any way it exposes him.'

'A guy like that has to know she's not going to make it, I bet when it really comes down to it he won't protect her.'

'Well Katniss I just hope that when she goes, she goes quickly- she's actually a wonderful lady.' Yet the Capitol doesn't care about kindness, only a spectacle.

As the remaining tributes flicked through, the only one that brought particular intrigue to the duo was Johanna Mason from district 7 who could be clearly seen shouting her protests from her reaping- a fiery individual who Haymitch warned wouldn't hesitate to demonstrate her lethality.

Then the district 10 tributes appeared onto the screen.

'Tiffany Waxler, district 10. She won her games through playing the damsel in distress until she turned on her saviours, securing her victory.'

'She surely won't be following that tactic once again in these games.' Katniss felt a sudden pang of jealousy and Peeta's attentive glance onto the female.

'No. She doesn't need because her brother will be joining her in the arena.' Katniss and Peeta were shocked to see another sibling duo be reaped into the games, they both knew that a pairing so close would be a major threat to his survival.

'Butch Mackintosh, district 10. He was known to be a merciful victors due to the quick deaths he offered his fellow tributes.'

'But that's not what he is really known for is it?' Peeta and Katniss knew the real reason he was so notorious amongst the Capitol.

'Correct. He was reaped alongside his lover until the careers eliminated her from the equation. From there he seemed to abandon his morals and hunt down each and every career within his games- do not underestimate him.'

'Weaknesses?' Katniss wasn't liking her and Peeta's chances within this arena, panic was beginning to set in.

'Besides his daughter- his allies. He will defend his sister in any way, that'll expose him however he is known to be a good friend to some of your most lethal competitor- if they ally together...'

Haymitch didn't need to say anymore, the two got the message loud and clear. Katniss finally came to the realisation as to why allies within that arena would be so important. It was a new element to the games that she felt very unprepared for.

'Are you still debating on whether to have allies or not?'

Instinct (A Hunger Games Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora