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❗️Emetophobia (fear of vomit)❗️

It had been a month since the incident. A month since she rid herself of the murder weapon used to dispose of Brent Asher.

Alana was awoken by a strong sense to vomit. She tried to speed-walk as calmly as possible to the bathroom and opened the door, kneeling by the toilet and instinctively holding her hair into a ponytail with her hands. She wasn't puking for long, but god it hurt. Lana hated vomiting, a lot.

She grumbled some profanity's in a state of annoyance, slouching down on the wall next to the toilet and gripping her head.

"Hey, you good?" JJ asked, walking into the bathroom yet keeping a safe distance from her. She groaned. "Do I look good?" He smirked, "I mean if you ask me you always look-" she cut him off with a look that made his face soften.

"Stomach bug?" He questioned, offering up a reasonable explanation to her sickness. "Or hangover?" He finished, mind drifting elsewhere as he tried to remember yesterday.

"Probably food poisoning, basically all the edible things in the house are expired." She explained to both him and herself, continuing a reasoning for her being sick as she spoke.

"Woah!" John B shouted when he nearly slipped over a random shirt thrown on the ground. "Y'all good in here? Hey, what's wrong?" He questioned, tone changing when he noticed his twin sisters state.

"Nah man, shitty hangover." JJ replied for her, reaching over and giving her a firm pat on the shoulder. "Probably puked it all outta her system now." He spoke as if he knew the definition of a system, comically retching at the sight of the toilet before flushing it.

John B chuckled at his sister, mentioning how he had tried to take the beer from her but she wouldn't let him.

"Chill day." He decided, smiling at his sister and leaving the bathroom to go 'grocery borrowing', as they called it.

"Chill day." Lana B repeated once her brother left, glancing at JJ and sighing. "Move it along, man." She mumbled, wanting a second to be alone after being sick. "Okay, okay," JJ muttered, lifting his hands in mock surrender. "Tell me if you need me ma." He finished before swinging on the doorframe and wandering off somewhere.

Alana stood up, using the toilet as support, and walked to the sink. She turned it on and closed her eyes, enjoying the sound of the water running. It made her realise that she wanted to go to the beach.

Lana brushed her teeth thoroughly, jumping into the shower and running body wash over herself as quickly as she could.

She threw on a blue bikini, stopping and furrowing her brows at the sight of her body in the mirror. "When did my stomach get fat?" She asked alloud, looking in the mirror and placing a hand over her, not even a centimetre larger than usual, stomach.

She threw on some shorts with an over-sized T to cover herself while she walked to the beach, putting on her dirty, signed crocs before walking out the door of the chateau.

Alana B had made it a point to get anyone and everyone she came across to sign her white crocs, at that point they had to have at least 200 signatures, the bottoms were filled with different and unique names, along with a few dick drawings here and there. The tops and sides were signed, only three names being in a light blue instead of black.


Jobless JJ

Sarahh <3

Her brothers name was also written in black, only after him having thrown a small fit over not being allowed to use a coloured marker. There were two words written, one in the middle of each shoe.



She almost tripped over a piece of wood that had probably flown off the ceiling, scoffing and kicking it out the way before continuing her walk.

As she neared the beach, Alana began to hear shouts and sirens. She sped up her walk, attempting to see what was going on as she froze at the sight before her.

It was the gun.

Her gun.

"Shit." She whispered to herself, deciding to play innocent little girl when she walked up to a police officer.

"Hey sir, could you possibly mention what's going on? Am I allowed to go swim?" She asked in a pretend nervous voice, putting on a pretty smile when she finished speaking.

"You're, er, John B's copy right? Yeah, I know you." He replied, completely ignoring her previous two questions. "Yeah, storm washed somethings up, that's all the info I can legally disclose right now. Definitely do not go swimming." He answered her inquiries.

"Oh, okay." She averted her gaze to the ground when the officer took her chin. "I recognise you from somewhere." He practically spat in her face. It took all of Lana B's effort not to slap him as hard as she could.

"As you said, im John B's twin. It's probably that, he's not a stranger to the station." Lana replied, attempting not to leave a nervous hint to her voice.

"No, no. It's not that. I recognise your shirt. I've seen you wearing it before, I just can't put my finger on where." He said, making Lana look at her shirt and nearly gasp in shock.

It was the shirt she was wearing when she got chased by the folk. The folk which she now knew were apparently the police.

"It's a common shirt." Lana replied dryly, pushing her shoulder back in an attempt to get away from his grip. She felt his grip on her shoulders tighten, making her heart begin to thump.

"Get off me!" She shouted, gaining some other people's attention. "Hey, man, get off her." A deep voice told the police officer who almost immediately dropped her shoulders.

Alana turned around, forcing herself not to smile when she saw "Rafe?"

He smiled for her, giving her a once over and nodding before walking back to his own family. "Damn it." Lana whispered to herself, turning back to look at the gun which was being escorted away.

"Shit!" She exclaimed.

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