Chapter 10

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          Lying with her front down in the sand was a woman wearing nothing but her birthday suit. Upon meeting this site, I quickly turned back and started walking away, I didn't want to get involved with whatever this was, I had no idea where she came from or who she was, and I didn't even know if I should help her or not. Slowly I looked back, and she was still there which meant it wasn't a dream, but she looked like one, her hair looked almost magical in the moonlight covering more than half of her face although I couldn't see her face properly, I could already tell she was beautiful.

          Now it was a battle between my mind and my conscience, my mind giving me reasons why I shouldn't get involved and my conscience making me realize how guilty I would feel if something were to happen to her especially now that I knew she was here, in between my internal chaos I had a flashback from when I was just a kid. "Efron come back" my mother called me, I walked back to her slowly, feeling embarrassed and slightly disgusted "Where is the duck?" "Huh?" "I saw you holding a duck when you fell into the mud puddle so where is it?" 'I left it back there" "Why?" "Because I'm all dirty now and I have to go clean up" she sighed and crouched down to look straight into my eyes "Listen Efron I need you always to remember this, always help someone in need no matter what-" "Wait I know this one father already told me, he said that one should always help anyone in need because you never know if they'll help you in the future" "Hmm you were close but not quite what I wanted to say, you shouldn't help people with the intention of getting something back in return, however, you should do it knowing it is out of the goodness of your heart even if it means leaving your comfort zone."

          I walked to her knowing that I was doing the right thing, slowly and gently I moved the hair away from her face, and just like I thought, she was a flawless beauty, her skin practically glowed and I just had to stop my head from wandering. I picked up the curtain and placed part of it on her back while the rest lay on the side for when I turned her over which I was dreading. With my eyes closed, I quickly turned her over and carried her in my arms letting her head rest on my chest. I looked down to make sure her body was covered properly but the curtain was still wet so much that it outlined every part of her body what made it even worse was the transparent color of the material, light yellow.

          I had to look up quickly and try to shake off any thoughts that could make me feel hotter and bothered than I already was, I tried thinking of other things like where she came from, how she got washed up on the shore, and how she ended up naked 'dammit I did it again' I groaned and her body started to stir, at least now I was sure she was alive but it also meant she was going to wake up soon so I picked up my pace.

          Just as I reached the front door, I remembered there were two other men with me, I could always trust Jake to do the right thing, but Connor was already becoming a thorn in my side, and besides I didn't know him well enough to trust him around her. I gently snuck around to the back where the shed was located, it was discovered by me when James was taking out the baskets and Conner was getting ready to fish. I got inside and gently laid her on the pile of palm leaves and bedspread I had planned to use as a bed then I covered her with a blanket, and with the little moonlight streaming through the door, I managed to find a lantern and light it up. Once it was all done, I sat outside the shed waiting for her to wake up as I looked up to the sky admiring the lovely view.

          I had already started dozing off when I heard something shift behind me, I looked back and saw nothing so I just placed my head back on the door frame, it was at that moment that I realized that I didn't see anything but before I could even react, I was pulled back inside with the door slammed shut right before my eyes. As the hand left my clothes, I got up quickly to assess my surroundings, the whole room was dark aside from the dim light glowing around the lantern, my eyes went around slowly not to miss any details but how can a glowing pair of eyes be missed in a dark room the size of a horse' stall.

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