Chapter 7 (Efron's POV)

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I lay on my bed thinking of how the next day will be, and how Lacia will react when I tell her the truth. It will either destroy her or make her more powerful. I thought back to the first time I met Lacia's mother, Doris.

Eighteen years ago

"Son, I think it's about time you settled down." I was dumbfounded because we had never spoken about marriage or any of my relationships before, not even once. I've had countless encounters with women and he never got involved, if anything he chose to completely ignore it but now out of nowhere he was suddenly talking about marriage, I had to end this conversation quickly or it might just be the death of me, "Father I am far too young to be talking about marriage" "Nonsense, you turned twenty just a few months ago, you are lucky I even waited this long to tell you I was barely fourteen when I was betrothed to your mother." "But father I don't want to get married yet" "No, you are a man now and you need to act like one, it's time you grow up and start taking responsibility," he said angrily and banged his fist on the table, now I knew something was wrong.

My father never got angry. Sure now and then he would get in a bad mood but he never let it escalate, on days like that he would not leave his study just so he wouldn't have to shout at anyone. He was usually a very calm and rational man, the type to look before they leaped and not make decisions based on the spur of the moment. "Is something wrong? Because I know you don't get angry over trivial issues like this." "This isn't a trivial issue, it has to do with your life' he said and sighed "And that is why I am giving you a chance to find love just like I did with your mother but there is a condition" I gave up trying to fight it at this point "I'm listening" "You have just three months and within those three months you'll have a different identity and live a different life in a different kingdom. You see, the women here only surround you because they are aware of your position and power, therefore if no one knows you wherever you go then they won't hesitate to show you their true colors. That is when you can find someone who will love you for who you are not what you are, and if within those three months, you don't find that special someone then you will have to marry whoever I choose".

I was speechless, 'Three months with no luxury, Power, or women, heck no' " I'm sorry Father but there is no way I am doing that" "And I am sorry but I'm not giving you a choice, you either go out of your comfort zone for three months or stay here and get married to a stranger within a week, the ball is in your court" "Why are you doing this father, why is it suddenly important for me to get married, why do I have to make sacrifices and decisions I'm obviously not ready for, why do I have to bring burdens into my life just so I can carry them-" As I asked each question my voice grew louder "That is enough Efron" my Father fired back then he took a deep breath and moved closer to me placing both his hand on my shoulders "I love you son and you should know I only want the best for you, this will not only benefit you but the kingdom as well, as a future king being among the kind of people you will rule you get to see their lifestyle and find ways to improve it. If I'm being honest I only want you to be a better version of yourself and getting married will just be the icing on the cake, think of it more as a good reward, something that will make you happy as well as benefit you at the same time and all this will make you a better king in the future".

Hearing him say all this made me feel the love and pride he had for me. "I see you're having a father-son moment without me," my mother said coming in to join us and going to stand next to my father, he placed his arm around her shoulder and gave her a peck on the cheek this made her giggle and a slight blush appeared on her face, she whispered something into his ear that made him smile and he whispered back. I didn't bother trying to eavesdrop on their private conversation, it was never something good but still, I couldn't help but admire the love they had for each other even after many years of marriage and here they were still whispering sweet nothing to each other, the thought of it made me chuckle a little "What is so funny" Mother asked with a fake frown "I'm sorry but you two are acting like newlyweds" this made them laugh. "That is how it feels when you marry someone you love," my father said like he was trying to make a point, my mother caught on and finally asked him what we were talking about before she walked in.

I slowly walked towards the window while he briefed her on everything we talked about so far. When my mother came to stand in front of me she looked really sad and pulled me in for a hug, as an only child she loved me a lot and still treated me like a kid even as an adult, I hugged her back and my father joined in as well, when she pulled back there were tears in her eyes and I wiped them away with my thumb "When are you leaving?" I looked towards my father and he gave her the answer "He leaves in two days" he said still trying to keep a straight face when he was also upset "My little boy is going out to see the world" "Don't worry mother I'll be back before you know it" I said with a smile trying to reassure her " At least I can finally get some private time with my wife" my father said with a smile "Enjoy I while it lasts old man, I will be back sooner than you think" I smiled back and he gave an approving pat on my shoulder " Well, I will be on my way now I have to get prepared" "Don't worry I'll get everything ready just rest for the journey ahead" "Okay farewell then" I walked out and closed the door behind me but just before leaving I heard my mother's voice "Do you think he will pass" "Let's hope so" I left there confused as to what they mean by pass 'Is this some kind of test' but I simply brushed it off as nothing nevertheless it stilled remained at the back of my mind. Little did I know that this journey would change my life as I knew it.

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