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Yeosang bit his nails as Wooyoung and him sat at the table, eating breakfast even if Yeosang just kept staring in the space with his hands crossed over his chest, not even trying to eat at all.

He just couldn't stop being worried. Jongho didn't call or say anything to anyone, and no one knows who is there apart from Jongho and what are they doing. He was worried sick, and he just couldn't eat or sleep.

San brought Wooyoung to Busan too, saying how he needed to keep him safe and calming Yeosang at least a little bit down now that he isn't so alone in this. Wooyoung slept in his room and comforted him all day, but Yeosang wasn't fully okay yet.

He was worried sick for Jongho.

No one is telling him anything, and it's just making things even more worse. He is anxious and he wants Jongho back with him so he knows he is safe and sound.

Wooyoung looked at him as he chewed onto his donut while scrolling through tiktok, stopping and just staring at Yeosang for a few moments before raising his hand and placing it on his shoulder to get him out the train of thoughts.

"You good?" Wooyoung asked.

Yeosang looked at him, snapping out of his thoughts and humming. Wooyoung obviously didn't believe in it at all.

"Yeosang." He spoke, placing the donut down and turning to him to hold both of Yeosang's hands in his own and rubbing the outer part.

"He is going to be okay. You know that Jongho is very smart and I doubt that anything would happen. You know that he is going to manage to get out of all that." Wooyoung spoke.

Yeosang sighed. He knew that Jongho was smart, but nothing really eased his worries. Yeosang just seemed to over react a lot, and he knew that, but this was really a dangerous situation.

"I know Woo, but what should I do? He literally just left and said how he needed to get rid of them. I knew I shouldn't have let him go back! He will literally end up dead!"

Wooyoung shook his head. "No, he isn't. Jongho is going to be okay. You're just over reacting because you're worried about him and that's it."

Yeosang sighed as he slumped down in his chair, now completely losing appetite and just the will to do anything. He just couldn't stop thinking and worrying, no matter what everyone else said to him in the past 3 days.

"Hey." Wooyoung spoke as he tugged onto his hand slowly.

Yeosang looked up from his lap and hummed as he looked at him, gulping and just not knowing what to do. He knew he is okay, but deep down, it all just felt wrong.

"You are being stressed, and nit taking care of yourself is going to make things even worse. You know that Jongho is okay, he and everyone else there is just busy and he is trying his best to take them down once and for all." Wooyoung said.

Yeosang looked down to their connected hands, sighing a bit and squeezing Wooyoung's hand. He was stressed, and he knew that Jongho would be even more upset because he isn't taking care of himself since he was being worried.

But could he really be the one to blame right there in that situation? It's pretty common to get worried if someone is in such a dangerous situation.

He nodded. "Yeah, you're right. I should maybe just relax for a bit."

Wooyoung smiled at him, rubbing his hand and petting his shoulder. He hated to see Yeosang so upset, but he understands him completely. He would act the same if San was there.

"You and San? What's up with that, anyway?" Yeosang asked.

Wooyoung blushed as he gave him a shy smile, obviously faking like it was nothing. "Nothing?"

Yeosang wriggled his eyebrows, obviously knowing it's not true. It's just so obvious they are in love with each other.

He could read Wooyoung like a book. He knew every think just by one look and it's just too painfully obvious.

After all, they have been friends since they were in diapers.

"Really?" He asked, clearly not falling for it.

Wooyoung squirmed in his chair, obviously shy and trying to ignore Yeosang's teasing. He was often the one who got teased, but now he is teasing Wooyoung finally.

He didn't do it often as much as Wooyoung teased him, but he enjoyed seeing Wooyoung being so flushed in shyness.

"I mean, we are like dating, but not officially? I'm not sure how to put it since we didn't talk about it, but I think we are dating." He said.

Yeosang smiled. "I'm glad you're happy. You finally found someone who is treating you right just like you deserve it."

Wooyoung nodded. San and him are perfect for each other, really.

Yeosang was about to tell him something, finally taking his mind off Jongho when the distressed looking Yunho came in the kitchen.

"Hey, what's up?" Yeosang asked.

Yunho shook his head, running his shaking hands through his hair and sighed. He looked very distraught and nervous.

Yeosang was even more confused. He looked like he was panicking, like he was trying not to scream.

"Yunho, are you okay?" Wooyoung asked.

Yunho nodded. "Uh- yeah. It's just.."

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows as he waited for him to continue.

"Jongho." He finished.

Yeosang perked up at the mention of his name, immediately sitting up and waiting for Yunho to continue.

"What happened to Jongho?" Yeosang asked, now also panicking.

Yunho looked like he was holding back from what he wanted to say. Wooyoung was still holding his hand, tightening his hold on it as he felt Yeosang tense.

"Yunho, what's wrong? What happened to Jongho?"

Yunho stared at him, sharing a look with Wooyoung before he sighed and looked down to his feet and then to Yeosang again.

"Jongho is in hospital. He might not make it."

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