》CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE, the joining of hands

Start from the beginning

As the septon spoke in front of the crowd gathered in the throne room, Aemond let out an impatient sigh. He hadn't been to a wedding since Aegon and Helaena's, and even then, the prayers didn't seem to take as long as they did now.

At mid-day, the septon had begun reciting from the holy text, The Seven-Pointed Star. Prayers to each of the seven gods were read, each taking at least five minutes. The septon was just finishing the prayer to the Stranger, and then he flipped a page in the book and started with the prayers for the bride and groom themselves.

Aemond barely resisted the urge to groan.

Instead of focusing on the prayers, for many of them were simply courtesies, Aemond allowed his mind to roam to a place of peace.

In the past, it had been in the skies with Vhagar, soaring among the clouds and hills and sea, but now, images of Alayne swarmed his mind, of when he'd seen her in the courtyard early that morning. She'd been focused and still and quiet, and it all washed into Aemond. He hadn't allowed it, but it seemed to be outside of his control.

Be someone to her, and do not let her fall.

That was what Princess Rhaenys had said to him. It had genuinely surprised him to hear those words, for he would never think that Alayne Targaryen was one to struggle.

But then he thought about how she would constantly twist her ring during times of stress or anxiety, just like his mother used to, as he remembered from when he was very young.

She is marrying you for the Royces, but she is hating you for her father.

His uncle Daemon had such an influence on his daughter, but it wasn't completely to her benefit. According to Rhaenys, Alayne desperately tried to please her father, and Aemond could only assume that it was to the point of her loyalties being tested.

She is loyal to a fault.

Without a doubt, Aemond knew Alayne was true to the Royces as their cousin and their lady, but he also knew she dearly loved her Targaryen family and would do anything for them.

She is everything to everyone.

Aemond didn't know how Alayne did it all. It was admirable, even he had to admit it. Though she frustrated him to no end, he could see how strong and resilient she was. But underneath all that, Rhaenys had said, she was fragile, sensitive. He had seen it after her worrisome ride on Vermithor, how she melted into her grandmother's arms.

She has no one.

Alayne didn't appear to be alone, for people always seemed to surround her, but one could be alone in a crowded room. Aemond knew that all too well.

The septon finished the prayers, pulling Aemond out of his thoughts, but before his focus was completely on the ceremony looming before him, he reminded himself of his promise to Rhaenys, to be someone to Alayne.

And with this marriage, he vowed that he would be. Though who he would be was completely up to her.

With a mighty creak, the great doors of the throne room were opened, Ser Arryk standing against one and Ser Harrold Westerling the other. Every head in the room turned, and Aemond felt his heart start to beat faster. He was nervous, and for the life of him, he couldn't figure out why.

As he moved to receive his bride, Aemond's gaze wandered over the Royces, and his brow furrowed. All of her male cousins were there. Gunthor, Gerold, Willam, Robar, and even Jakob. He'd expected that one of them would escort her down the aisle since Daemon wasn't present.

Perhaps Princess Rhaenys instead.

But no, Aemond saw her standing there as well.

Even his father, the godsdamned king, was here.

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