Song of the heart

Start from the beginning

Shubhi cut the conversation and almost forcibly took her daughter in her arms. When the girl went to Shubhi without a protest and even mouthed 'Mumma' sleepily, Daivik finally realized that he had Dyuti in his arms. He had not connected the dots to understand that the girl on his shoulder was Dyuti- the daughter. The monster she had recently fought was the hole in her heart!! She was recovering from the surgery! The shock on his face realizing that this bundle of joy was her daughter was visible.

Shubhi: Mr Daivik Rawal, I have told you to stay away from my daughter.

Daivik: What?

Shubhi: I am telling you to stay away from this girl, my daughter. (pointing to the girl sleeping on her shoulder now).

Spotting that Shubhi was angry, some of her cousins rushed to help her but she told them that all is sorted. Daivik was a bit irritated with her family banding around her like this, as if he was a criminal. Her cousins gathered around, protective and ready to intervene. Daivik felt like an intruder, unfairly labeled. He pulled out his phone, intending to call Viren, and explain his presence. But Shubhi had already turned away, leading Dyuti towards her mother. He decided to call Viren and tell him that he was leaving, and Shubhi walked away having decided to put her daughter in her mom's care for the rest of the festivities.

Shubhi's mom: What happened dear girl? You look upset!

Shubhi: Mom, he was here...he is trying to cozy up to Dyuti.

Mom: He? You mean Daivik? What is he doing here?

Shubhi: I think they are connected to Amish in some way. He came with Viren bhaiya who had earlier declined the invite.

Shubhi's mom: Maybe they changed their mind?

Shubhi: It does not matter. Importantly, he was roaming around with Dyuti on his shoulder!

Shubhi's mom: He knew about Dyuti?

Shubhi: No, he met her for the first time today. He had heard of her from me and Rajan and others, but never met her....

Shubhi's mom: You said he did not know that Dyuti was his daughter.

Shubhi: Yes, that is a nice way to describe his accusation. However, it seems that she slept on his shoulder, and he was carrying her around singing to her. I was scared that he was thinking of kidnapping her!

Shubhi's mom: Kidnapping Dyuti! I do not think they will stoop that low!

Shubhi: Then why was he carrying her on his shoulder putting her to sleep! I did not say much because I did not want any drama on my sister's wedding!!

Shubhi's mom: He met her for the first time and Dyuti slept on his shoulder! Then it's true .... Blood never lies, my dear girl, he will come around and accept you and your daughter. I have faith in the mother Goddess.

Shubhi: I honor your faith mom. But I am not a weakling who needs his support for me or my daughter! So, he can take his acceptance with him back to the US for all I care!

Shubhi's mom: You have not done anything wrong my little girl, so it is he who might need you.

Shubhi: I do not care; I just want him away from my daughter!

Shubhi's mom: Maa (Mother Goddess) has guided that you will be married soon...who knows.... all I want is for you to find happiness...

The night was tough for Daivik, the images of Shubhi today and at their wedding kept on mixing in his head. He had deleted all their wedding photos, but there was an album that existed in some corner of the room he remembered. He searched and found it in one of the wardrobe sections that once belonged to Shubhi. Above this open shelf was a bigger shelf that had small shutters that were shut. Out of curiosity he opened the doors to see a makeshift temple. The images of the Gods were gone, but the incense, the earthen lamp, oil, the Kumkum, all were there as evidence. He knew that she prayed every day. It seemed someone had cleaned out in a hurry. There was one small statue of Lord Krishna that he found in the corner behind the incense box...maybe she forgot it? It was a weird feeling, but he felt that the deity was smiling at him. He took it in his hands and said to the deity – 'I know she used to take you along even on her travels, so I am surprised what are you doing here?'

He felt a flash of anger on the face of the deity and thought he was imagining things.

'So, you want me to investigate why she left you here with me?

He could feel the question in his head and kept the figurine back and wondering why she left in so much of a hurry? There was no other logical explanation for leaving such a personal treasure behind. But even more so, he what did not add up was why a gold digger would create a temple in his house...did she expect this is to be a proper till death do us part? Then why did she sign the annulment? It does not make sense!

He looked at the deity and said:

It doesn't make sense.... but I can use my deductive skills; you do know that they are famous across the family...'

He was not sure but somehow felt that the deity smirked. He was surely going mad...

Author's Note: 🌟 Huge thanks for all the love and support! @minnietina  @AKSHARA1904  @Stephanie28beatrix Your votes and encouragement mean the world to me. I am excited to keep the story going! 🚀

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