Chapter 88

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Chapter 88

When we walked in the dinning room for dinner, my head was still dizzy from the hours spent with Victor. We didn't move from his bed, except to spend some time in the tub. I had to stop by my room for dry gloves, then we walked the halls, stopping often to kiss before realizing we were starving.

He led me to the end of the table where he sat, and pulled out the chair beside him, so I sat down. I hoped Leone wouldn't mind that I was in his chair.

Chase came through the door from the kitchen a big grin on his face. "Your weapons are in your office." He said and then sat down and winked at me. "Tamed the beast, I see."

I felt my face flush and didn't know what to reply, so I just smiled and then looked away.

Leone came in and paused when he saw where I sat. I could tell he wasn't sure if he could sit beside me without worrying he couldn't resist me.

Daxx came in, and without a word, came and sat beside me and Leone looked relieved. He left an empty chair for her mate, and then sat down. She winked at me and then reached for a roll. "Did anyone do anything they were supposed to be doing, today?"

Troy came in, a big smile on his face, with eyes only for Daxx.

"I was dragged out of bed, again." Chase said looking at Victor. "To come take on big brother and settle his ass down." He shrugged, "little cutie beat me to it."

Victor looked from him to me, then grinned. "I'm sure she had more success than you ever could."

"Well," Michael came in carrying a platter from the kitchen, "now that all of the banter is finally out of the way, we need to figure out a plan for the tunnels." He glanced to Arius as he came striding in the other door. "We got lost in them today."

Rafael was next through the door. "Is that where you went to?"

Arius nodded and then frowned. "It's a maze down there."

"They can be confusing." I told them so they'd feel better. "I was down there for a week one time, because I turned the wrong way."

Quinton came in and yawned. "Is this day over yet?" He stopped and looked from Victor to me and then grinned again. "Thank the gods." He went and sat down.

"You look tired, brother. Not enough sleep lately?" Chase said with a fake snarl on his face. "I know that feeling myself."

"Oh, brother." I glanced to Victor, having forgotten again. "I know who your brother is now. Emmett." I nodded. All stopped, and then looked at me.

"Do you have an address for him?" Troy asked, a serious look on his face.

I sighed, "I do, but I'm not sure it's real, but now that I know who he is, it will be easier to find him." I looked at Michael. "I left the papers on your desk." Then I remembered how his office looked when we left it. "I will get them when Victor goes to clean up his..."

"Rampage." Leone finished for me. He glared at Victor and then turned to get some food.

Victor cleared his throat. "I will make certain the office is returned to its proper state, after we eat." Turning, he smiled down at me and then reached under the table and rested his hand on my thigh.

Just a touch from him gave me feelings I'd thought would be tired and unresponsive after the day we'd had. I smiled at him, and bit my lip for a moment. "I'll help you." I told him softly.

He glanced at my mouth, with the look, a look that I now knew what it meant, filled his eyes as he looked at me.

I'd never felt this kind of happy in my life, and knew I would do whatever it took to have it


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