Life was good.

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Laughter echoes through the halls of the castle as the young princess Rhaenyra ran down the halls with her baby sister. The older girl shushed her sister as the rounded the corner and into the garden.

"We haven't much time before Septa Morgan realizes that I'm not with mother." Rhaenyra said to sister as she sat with her sister of seven cycles.

It was true , Rhaenyra was one and zero and had grown out of the need of a caretaker, now she would be trained by a Septa. And her's was a short, pudgy woman with thin lips a nack for shouting and a stern face.

Naturally Rhaenyra always found a way to escape her mentor and when she wasn't with her uncle or the lady Alicent Hightower, she was with her beloved little sister, Raevena.

Before Raevena was born Rhaenyra had told her parents that it would be a girl. She even offered some names that she thought would fit the baby girl perfect. Names that went along the lines of , Visenya II, Rhaella the Beauty, even after herself, Rhaenyra. But the one that caught her mother's attention was Raevena. Aemma thought the name was beautiful and asked her daughter what it would stand for.

Rhaenyra had smiled with a mischievous glint in her ameyst eyes. "Every female Targaryen is remember for either being a warmonger , never has there been a Targaryen woman truly feared by all of Westeros. That is to change. Raevena means Revenge."

Aemma looked down at the sleeping beauty in her arms with wide eyes. Her baby beared no resemblance to a person who sought out for blood. But she hoped that she would be as strong willed as Rhaenyra thought she would be. It would be truly amazing to have a woman strike fear to the hearts of men. This was a man's world , but they were soon to learn that there's is nothing that a man fears more than a powerful woman.

Raevena smiled up at her sister. "Let's make flower crowns for mama. She can't leave her bed."

It was true, Queen Aemma was due very soon and the sisters had already chosen a dragon egg for their little sibling.

"Pick her favorite flowers and I'll get the wire." Rhaenyra looked at her sister one last time before , taking off down the hall to find the gardener.

Raevena giggled as she looked at the flowers in front of her. "Momma likes purple flowers."

Carefully she reached over the side of the stone legde and began to pluck flowers from their beds. She sat back and looked down at her collection of flowers that varied from hues of green to purple and red to pink. "Pretty!"

Rhaenyra smiled as she hurried to sit next to her sister. She wiggled the wire in the air with a smirk. Raevena giggled at her sisters playfulness as she put the flowers of the grass below them.

Rhaenyra inspected the flowers with great interest. "Good job, Vena. These will make splendid crowns. Mother loves vibrant colors." Raevena smiled at the praise and she and her sister got to work.

"Momma!" Raevena practically sang as the princess's entered the room the mother's was confined in. Giddily she ran to her mother's side with her hands behind her back , a smiling Rhaenyra behind her."Rhae and I made something for you to remind you that you are pretty even in your struggle."

Aemma tilted her head with a warm smile as he caressed her daughters cheeks. "Oh, my sweet girls," she reached for Rhaenyra's arm and gently pulled her closer so that she could see her children side by side." Such great joy you bring me. I love your gifts , they always calm me down."

Raevena beamed brightly at her mother's words and pulled her arms from behind her back ,revealing the beautifully handcrafted flower crowns. Aemma gasped as she stared at the frowns that her daughters had made for her. Raevena's crown was the one with vibrant pinks and greens, whereas Rhaenyra' crown had the purple and reds.

The hand that wasn't rubbing the Queens swollen stomach , flew to her mouth as she gasped. "Oh, my girls. They are beautiful." She took the one in Rhaenyra's hand first and gently put it on her head, the she took Raevena's crown which was smaller and put it inside the other crown.

Raevena clapped joyously. "Momma looks like a fairy Queen!"

"Yes," Rhaenyra agreed. "The most enchanting fair queen."

Aemma laughed as she stared at her girls with atmost admiration and love. She reveled in the content feeling she got when she placed the crowns on her head. "I will cherish these with all my love."

"Good. Cause I got an ouchie earlier." Raevena said standing on the tip of her toes to show her mother her a small red dot on her pinky finger from the wire.

Aemma chuckled and reached for her daughters little finger, she placed a soft kiss to it and gently rubbed at the skin. "There , mommy's made it all better for you."

"Yeah. Look Rhae. No more ouchies!"

Rhaenyra merely smiled and kisses her sisters head. "It's time for you to head to bed. I can't come with you because I have to wait for Septa Morga, the witch."

"Rhaenyra!" Her mothered scolded in a light-hearted tone. The smile growing on her face betrayed her true intentions.

Rhaenyra shrugged coyly. "Anyone who can't enjoy desert is a warg. That is strange behavior."

Aemma sighed as she smoothened her youngest daughters hair. "Good night , my sweet. I shall see you in the morrow."

Raevena smiled softly and kisses her mama's cheek. "I love you mama." Then she turned to her sister." Good night , Stinky." And she dashed off to avoid her sister's impending wrath.

Rhaenyra gwalked at the door that her sister just left threw. She huffed and turned back to her mother. "That little monster is trylu father's child."

Aemma grinned and took her daughters hand in her own. "She is just as you used to be at your age. "

"I take offense to that."


First chapter out of the way. Rhaenyra will be three years older than she is for the sake of the book and my plot. But other than that , thank you for reading this book. I had this idea ever since the show came out and I finally decided to make it a story.

Stay tuned for more.

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