Why do you cry?

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Just wanted to apologize for my late update, my soul is tired. And for some strange reason it's hard to get up out of bed.

Back to the story.

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The morrow had turned and it was time for my soon to be siblings name day celebration. Gentry, nobility and even some rable wee in attendance. The Queens labours had already started and instead of being at the tournament I decided to stay with my mother.

A tournament for a babe that was not even in the world yet was enough to send my frustrations soring sky high. My mother's state was the only thing on my mind and it consumed it completely.

I kissed her head gently my heart clenching every time she groaned in pain. My cheeks were already stained with tears and I tasted the salty aftertaste as I opened my mouth to encourage her. "Your doing so well, Mama. So well."

Mama smiled up at me her face contorted in pain. "Thank you ,my sweet girl."

My stomach bubbled with fear when her face scrunched in pain as she screamed weakly in pain. And I gasped , for some strange reason it felt as if my soul had momentarily detached from my body, my mother's pain was mine , and when she squeezed my hand I squeezed back letting her know that I was there.

The midwives stood on her left side encouraging her to push. But something was wrong to me, I could feel it in my heart.

"Mom, squeeze as hard as you need to. Do not worry about my hand. I am here for you. And you alone."

She smiled weakly at me through her tears and opened her mouth to say something,  but screamed instead. My face paled.

I looked back at the midwife who was situated between her legs searching for any sign of the babies head. "I see legs!" She said in excitement, but her face betrayed her fear as she looked up at my mother.

"How much longer?" My mother asked as she held my hand. "It shouldn't be long , my fairy Queen. The little fairy will be here soon I'm sure. He's just taking a little longer." I tried joking to ease her pain. She tilted her head to the side and looked at my with a thankful smile. "They must hurry then."

We shared a laugh , but her laugh quickly turned into a groan.

I cursed myself internally. Babies are supposed to come head first, not legs. Something horrible has come upon my mother and it was coming for her life.

Maester Mellos pulled the midwives to the side and they whisper d amongst themselves with grim faces.

The maester then stepped out of the room and I panicked. "Where is the maester go?"

"To get the king, princess."

The colour drained from my face as I stared blankly at the midwife. I slowly turned to look back my mother who was already looking back at me her completion drained of any colour , her bed hair curly and damp with sweat. Her beautiful purple eyes begging for the pain to be gone.

I squeezed her hand tighter. "The maester had gone to get father. I'm not sure what is happening."

My mother sighed and pulled me closer to her so that I was sitting next to her , she leaned into me and groaned. "Your sibling is so much
trouble, Raevena."

And Chaotic | Aemond Targaryen Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt