Part 15

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Dhruv was sitting in the front seat, his car was at a halt, struck in a traffic jam. And he was too, struck between two choices, that will lead him to such a situation that if he picks one way that is the road forward to his house then he could risk the second one and if he picks the way back then he would risk the first one. But he couldn't risk either because both were equally important to him. In such a case he had only one option, either to go to his home and inform whatever he wants to Tara on phone and the other was that he could call at his home and go to Tara and tell it to her.

And he chose the first one, analysing the situation while struck in traffic. He then turned his car towards the Starlite mall so that, her princess could get herself a new dress for tomorrow's function as he wanted all eyes admiring her gorgeous look.


Shashi and Sukhi the siblings of Dhruv, and the dearest ones of the Sachdeva family were just standing still and shocked in their positions as if they had seen a Ghost. But it wasn't one, it was a man instead, the one whom all knew and he has a reputed fame in the industry.

Yes, you got it right, it's Kapil Sachdeva the father of both the mortals, who were Shocked to see him at their mansion. And both Shashi and Sukhi exchanged glances on seeing their father, as it wasn't common for them and it was true, as his father was a very busy person and often not at home to give his family time. Their faces got dull on seeing their Father, they hated him but no one knew it except the Sachdevas, and no one should ever because it would not destroy him completely but their whole Family. Sukhi the youngest and dearest daughter in the family, leaned forward to close the door before which her father was standing. But his father suddenly held the door before it could get close, his eyes were teary as he wasn't expecting such a behaviour. Those tears were carrying guilt with them, but her daughter couldn't see it anymore, and the door got shut on his face.

He just stood there, he couldn't do anything and was just contemplating on his guilty past acts that weren't worth forgiving. But he left the gift for her daughter that he had bought, there at the gate only as tomorrow was her birthday. He got reputation, fame, money and power but was never able to get the love he wanted from his family and was breaking bit by bit inside. He had no one to share the pain with, he knew he hadn't committed just a mistake but a crime.

And he wandered up the street towards his car and went off....


Sara, Ali and their father were all just sitting in the living room while their mother was at the hospital. Ali was just dazed off in his own thoughts looking at the walls half lying on the sofa, while one of his leg was swindling to and fro while thinking. While Sara was busy on her phone, chatting with her friends and his father reading the newspaper.

And Ali was now beginning to feel bored as, there was complete silence in the whole house and he broke it.

Ali- Guys, anyone know when will di come?

"No" both of them replied together, while still being engrossed in their own.

And Ali was now feeling more ignored and left out, so he sat up and then spoke with idealised voice- Let's play 'Antakshri', it will be fun.

OK, fine.- Both of them said while putting the phone and newspaper down.

And they all were after a few minutes, engrossed in the game.


Meanwhile Dhruv near the rod towards his mansion...

He was driving the car, his eyes tracing the way down down right, toward the parking lot.
After parking his car when he stepped towards the door, something struck his leg and when he looked at it, it looked like a gift to him and he picked it up.
Then he rang the bell, and the one to answer it was her sisiter. For a moment she was just staring at the gorgeous look of his brother and then she glanced at his hands with curiosity, looking down upon the gift and the dress he was holding. And once Dhruv entered inside and settled, she took both of those things from his hand and rushed towrads the table to open it.
While Dhruv asked his brother Shashi- Where's Mom?
Shashi- She is resting upstairs in her bed.
Dhruv- Did you have her, her medincines properly.
Shashi- Yeah, brother.
Dhruv- Ok, I am going upstairs
And he shoved towards the stairs, creating a beat sounds with his
He was just halfway, that he heard her sister scream.
And he traced his way back to look what had happened, and before he could reach there was a sudden sound of blast in the Sachdevas' mansion.

At the hospital...

Tara was asleep but this time it felt different to her, no dreams evading her sleep, no shrieks, no horror faces to see, no stalkers and no monsters to sacre her while she was sleeping.
But still those dark forces were making her life worse, the more she was trying to escape the more she was getting entangled into it.

After a few hours of her nice sleep, something went wrong, something terribly went wrong in the hospital, the whole hospital was on fire. Fire that would not take enough time to burn someone into ashes. She was scared but not for herself for her mom. Who was also there in the hospital. As she grabbed her phone it began to stumble from her hands because she was fear stricken.
And she dialed her mom's number with wobbly fingers the bell rang and someone picked up the phone.
But this time it was not her mom, but a man who picked the call........

What would now happen in both Dhruv's mansion and at the hospital?
And, what was Dhruv so tensed about telling to Tara?
And how would Tara escape the hospital which is on fire and will take not much time to get burn completely?

Let's see what will happen in the next part.
Till then bye....

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