Chapter-25 Tent And Fever

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5TH Day


It was the end of the special exam's fifth day, and Class D was depressed. It was like we were holding all-night vigil over a dead body. A whole day has passed with everyone jumping at shadows. Everyone was suspicious, and no one knew who the culprit was. Despite the oppressive atmosphere, it was Ayanokoji's turn to get the fire going. As I watched the fire's condition, I and Ayanokoji occasionally tossed in some branches. It was sure peaceful here than at the lunch center where everyone from our class is.

The main reason I'm here with Ayanokoji because of how pitiful he was. He got unreasonable requests sent at him by girls. Seeing this I decided that it will be good to give him at least a helping hand. The girls seriously didn't know the much about the camping, well I already expected that. The girls here seem here to be confident that they can do camping without the help of boys. But no matter how much power you have, it will be useless if you don't even have the knowledge let alone experience. The girls soon realize this and turn towards me, Ayanokoji and Hirata for help. Hirata was soon taken away by the girls, the girls also tried to take away, but I refused it. If I went away, then all the work will fall on Ayanokoji. Hence, I decided to stay with Ayanokoji and help him.

Ayanokoji: "Thanks for the help, LN."

YN: "No need to thank me. You are the one who did all the work while I only give you advices."

I only just gave him the advice to what he have to do. He seems to have basic knowledge of camping and with my advice we both were able to complete the camp a little faster. The most work done was Ayanokoji, but I did a little work here and there.  

Horikita: "It must be really tough, being forced to do routine chores,"

Ayanokoji: "That's rich, coming from you."

YN: "You are the solo reason Ayanokoji got in this situation."

Ayanokoji: "He is right. In the first place why did you choose me?"

Horikita: "There was no other way. Hirata-Kun and LN-Kun can't be trusted, and I need insurance."

YN: "That's mean. Well, it is expected from a friendless girl like you."

Horikita looked a little annoyed by it, but she replied.

Horikita: "I could make friends if I want to. But I think it is just waste of time."

YN: "You are just making stuff, you know. Even Ayanokoji has at least had more friends than you."

Horikita couldn't counter my argument and just sigh. Indicating my win in this argument and then she looked at Ayanokoji.

Horikita: "Anyway, most create a distinction between their public persona and how they really are on the inside. You do it, too, Ayanokoji-Kun. I do not trust anyone because good intentions and hypocrisy are two sides of the same coin."

I doubted her words were solely aimed at Hirata. She seems to be referring to Ayanokoji's entrance exam results or something around me. Or is she hinting at something else?

Horikita: "At any rate, you both seem to trust Hirata-Kun very much."

Ayanokoji: "Yeah. Well, I can count on him, at the very least. He's really reliable."

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