friendship is magic

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To say that Sarah was happy about the invitation would be an understatement.

She came wheezing, screaming, howling and laughing all at once into my apartment ten minutes after I told her. This time, her attire called for compliments. She chose a cute top with a mini skirt that hugged her curves like a glove. A sweet perfume filled my apartment, and I knew she chose it wisely - in any case of male attention, it'd play for her good.

And considering that we'd be sitting with a whole bunch of men, it shouldn't be a problem.

"Let's get the party started, Jess!" she grabbed my hands and whirled me around in excitement. I laughed with her, glad that she left the tired her at home. We both needed a bit of fun.

"Mark said they want to take a shower and eat before going. We gotta wait."

She glared at me. "And can't we go first? I really want a drink."

She looked like a child in need of a new toy. Her sulking was a powerful weapon, but not on me.

"No," I said curtly. "Mark's picking us up."

At that, she stopped in her tracks and let out something between a squeak and a moan. "Uh-huuuh, boyfie being a gentleman?"

I rolled my eyes at her. "He is, yes. He said he didn't want us to walk alone this late."

"Approved." Then she sat on the chair by my dining table and threw one leg over the other. "By the way, if I were him, I'd already date you."

"He is dating me," I joked with a smile, even though it did sound a bit strange to say it out loud. I entered the kitchen to make a quick meal before leaving. Who knew how much we'd be drinking with that bunch.

"For real, I mean. Look at yourself, Jess. You're dashing. This dress? Perfection. Like if you came to my presentation in this, I'd take you straight home."

I tried not to blush at her words. Sarah always knew how to hype people up and even though it sounded silly most of the time, I knew that whatever left her mouth was in full seriousness. She stood up and walked over to the fridge. It was her spot to watch me cook every time she visited.

"It's a fake relationship for a reason, Sarah," I reminded her as I took out some leftover rice. "We are getting to know each other. I'm honestly surprised he has this much time for me, like, I read something on the internet the other day and the schedules? It's one crazy thing."

While warming the rice, I made a quick sauce and started the pan for chicken breasts. Mark had predicted to stop by around nine-thirty, so we still had plenty of time. Sarah handed me the seasoning and helped to take our bowls out of the microwave. When everything was set, we dug in, still bickering about my not-so-real dating life.

The bell rang just as we finished eating. Sarah ran first to make an acquaintance with Mark, and I checked if I'd taken enough money. Being rich or not, I had no intention of letting anyone pay for me. I would drink what I could afford.

His smile welcomed me even before I opened the car door. I slipped into the front seat and glanced at Sarah in the back. She had a sly smirk on her lips, and I wondered what Mark had told her before I arrived. Well, I probably don't want to know.

"Hey again."

I smiled at Mark and fastened up my seatbelt. "Hi."

"Ready to party?" he asked and checked the side-view mirrors. "Believe it or not, but Dreamies decided to join. I told them that you were going and Haechan called a bet on who'd you let buy you a drink first."

"I like this Heachan guy," Sarah voiced from behind me, and I chuckled.

"Of course you do. He's just your type." I saw Sarah rolling her eyes on me and leaning back against the seat. "Wait till you meet him."

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