“Excalibur!” Sora exclaims.

Riku can't help but crack a smile, knowing that Sora's idea was related to him. Riku appeared pleased but his eyes showed little compassion. Sora notices this and narrows his eyes. There was no consensus from the two and so they were ready to fight for their name. Riku was the first to look away, but not to concede, to propose a different idea.

“Hey, how about…” Riku trailed off.

Riku flicks his head to the side momentarily, before looking to Sora with an expectant look on his face. Sora blinks in confusion, his lack of understanding clear. Riku rolls his eyes in one direction, keeping them there before looking back at Sora.

The brunette stared at the silverette with squinted eyes and a scrunched nose. Riku extends his arms in an exaggerated motion, directing Sora in that direction. Sora follows Riku's gestures and turns his head, seeing a tree with a star in the distance. Sora turns back to Riku with a grin.

“The usual?” Sora asks.

He points his index finger to Riku, his thumb sticking out toward himself. Riku makes the same gesture so that his index finger crosses over Sora's. He cracks a smile as well, his grin reflecting Sora's.

“Let's do it!” Riku exclaims.

Riku gets onto his feet and holds his hands out to Sora. Sora takes his hands and jumps back onto his feet. The two appear to be holding back grins as they narrow their eyes at each other, their competitive nature's clear. Akira sighs and smiles as she walks back toward Kairi.

“They're at it again. You know the drill” Akira implies.

Sora and Riku follow Akira as she returns to the redhead’s side. Akira takes a white cloth out of her back pocket while Kairi explains the rules to the boys. She tunes out their conversation, rocking back and forth on her heels, waiting to be addressed.

She randomly zones back in when taking notice of the boys whispering to each other. Kairi walked off to reset the obstacle course from the last time the two competed. Akira could not hear exactly what the two were saying to each other, but she did notice how Riku kept peeking in her direction and Kairi's as she slowly made her way back.

Sora's eyes were looking all over the place as his cheeks turned red, Riku's words clearly teasing him and making him flustered. Their focus returns back to the race as Kairi returns. Akira watches as Sora slaps his cheeks, and appears more determined than before. Her attention is taken away from the boys as Kairi grabs her wrist and pulls her arm into their air, lightly waving the white cloth.

“Okay! On our count!” Kairi exclaims.

Kairi drops Akira's arm as she clasps her hands together, excited for the race. The girls count down from three and as they reach one, Akira swings her arm down, alarming the two to start running. With unnatural speed, Riku leaves Sora in the dust. Akira and Kairi close their eyes and cover their mouths as they cough up the dust.

Once they opened their eyes, Sora was already gone and catching up to Riku. Sora bumped Riku aside and began to climb a wooden structure. Riku lightly glared and ran off to take another path. Akira looks up at Sora in shock as he reaches the zipline.

“Has Sora ever used the zip line before?” Akira inquires.

Kairi shakes her head and the two continue to watch, intrigued by the turn of events. Sora gripped tightly to the handle and took a deep breath in. He kicked himself off the platform  and pulled his legs close to his chest as he ziplined to the next platform. Sora was careful when jumping across the treetops, so much that Riku managed to touch the tree before him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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