"YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT YOU ALLOWED OUR MOST INVALUABLE WEAPON FOR ABSOLUTE DOMINATION TO JUST ESCAPE?" Lt G who's mouth was still bleeding from where Neon had struck him roared after literally putting a bullet in another soldier's head, after which everyone kept at a healthy distance from him.No one had wanted to say anything when they looked at the corpse who had the guts to try and give an explanation."LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY, YOU WILL FUCKING GO TO HELL AND BACK TO FIND HIM OR I WONT HESITATE TO PUT AN END TO ALL OF YOUR SORRY EXISTENCES,YOU HEAR ME?" Everyone knew better than to answer him, they just rushed to their vehicles and their surveillance systems and began the search for the run away soldier.

By now Neon had managed to put a good distance between himself and the division and got out of the vast body of water only to be met with snow at the bottom of a colossal mountain, he no longer bore the weight of the crown as it had long since fallen off during the skirmish.Despite the disadvantaged state he was in, it only took a few short hours to make it up to the top even if it was a miserable walk with his head held low. The wind and snow had been howling like a wolf at the full moon for a while now and didn't help the icy sensation that enveloped not only Neon's whole body but also his soul.If he even had one.

The reason Neon had wanted to come to the top of the mountain was because he wanted to be able to scour the most from the highest point possible for a place to stay and lay low so he lifted his drenched head only to be struck with the most beautiful sight he had ever beheld in his sixteen years of life. The mountain overlooked the city he had just been to hours earlier allowing him to see it in its whole and glory.The boy exhaled a stunned breath as his eyes caught the magnificent aurora that seemed to stretch on for miles over his head and the night sky that was bedecked with so many stars, even his fast-processing brain began to spin,all of this simultaneously put together to create a jaw dropping, tear breaking wonder that was made just for Neon and Neon only this display all seemed so majestic, so hopeful as if the world was trying to tell him that maybe, just maybe, Neon Riding wasn't just a weapon who would be used to conquer the world and rule it with an iron first, perhaps he would have a choice after all.

The cold that consumed his body suddenly vanished as Neon looked towards the city,bathing in the marvellous light, the constellations shone upon him and reached up to his shoulders, undoing his cloak and letting it fly away into the darkness, the crown prince of the dark empire no more.Neon had lots of secret bank accounts that only he knew about in case he would need the money when the division suddenly fell and he was forced to leave, and being the heir to the corporation and the most successful soldier, he was rich as hell.It might have taken many backflips to get his accounts to escape the watchful eyes of the corporation but he knew if he utilised them, no one would be able to track him in a million years.

He had at least 80 million sitting in those accounts, not enough to last for a lifetime if he were to live lavishly so he would still need a job but with no formal education he doubted anyone would take him seriously regardless of his skills and intelligence but then it occurred to Neon that he could go to school.After all he was only sixteen and still had some time for high school left, he was already at PHD level in virtually every subject there was so he could ace every exam and get get referrals to any university he wanted, get in, get a proper degree in what would doubtlessly be a minuscule amount of time due to his already impossibly vast ocean of knowledge and figure out who HE truly wanted to be.

Perhaps things would break his way after all.

Los Angeles was the city he had been referring to and it made sense to remain there as it was a strong distance from the corporation whilst still being close enough to seem to trivial to search as they would most likely assume he went to the other side of the world or something.It wasn't that hard to get a fake ID an buy a rather luxurious house that didn't eat enough of what he had to be worried, the interest that was generated from his money would be enough to keep up with bills, other necessities and some spoils so he wouldn't have to get a job at least until he finished his education and decided to go further in life.

(A few days later)
Mid February was certainly a strange time to join a new school but no one seemed to give him grief about it so there he was, standing before Rezther high, a rather spacious environment that had multiple blocks, there was even one in the nearby forest, at least it didn't make him want to put a god damn bullet in his head, in fact it didn't look all that bad at all, like he might actually enjoy himself here.

(A few days later)Mid February was certainly a strange time to join a new school but no one seemed to give him grief about it so there he was, standing before Rezther high, a rather spacious environment that had multiple blocks, there was even one...

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(Without the greenery,the windows are more modern and there lockers out of view)

Miraculously it didn't take long for Neon to find his locker, as he began sorting out where all his books would be he noticed that a lot of heads were turning in his direction,both girls and boys, he wasn't surprised, Neon was definitely one of the most alluring males existence and was used to the attention.However he didn't pay any attention to them, the only thing he really wanted to do was get through this first day and try not to get into any trouble.

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