Neon had returned to the his base only to find out that it had gone into a full scale lockdown,He got his weapons ready and dashed in thinking that they were under attack.He charged into the main hall where everyone was and asked Lt G what happened.

"The commander is dead"

The world seemed to stop spinning as Neon's eyebrows cocked ever so slightly
,the maximum amount of surprise he would show with his lifetime of training even though he was shocked beyond comprehension.

"What is the state of his body?"
"He was found in his office,with a bullet hole in his head"

Neon rushed towards the commander's office,feeling the adrenaline rise in his heart,he hadn't particularly cared for the commander or anyone in this damned military organisation but if he was truly dead then everything would change forever.Neon practically barged into the office while the investigators were still analysing his body and began searching around.Ironically the most unnerving thing here was that everything was in order.There had been no sign of forced entry,nothing was damaged and everything was in it's place.The only outstanding variable here was the dead commander and the loaded gun laying next to his bleeding corpse.

Even Neon for the life of him couldn't figure out what the hell had happened."any fingerprints",the boy asked even though he doubted that he would get anything useful,if the assassin was this skilled than there was no way they would make such a clumsy mistake."none at all" one of the investigators spoke,there is no sign of anyone being here but him in the last 24 hours in fact we have no fucking idea what the hell happened" For once Neon was baffled,who would dare attack the commander and actually be deft enough to perform the assassination to point where they left absolutely no signs of being anywhere near this office and why would they just leave the gun here?

This wasn't good,this wasn't good at all.

(A few hours later)
After Neon threw in the towel giving up any hope of quickly locating the culprit, he just lay in bed not being able to force himself to sleep for the life of him.If the commander was truly dead then his already unusual life was about to change, the reason being was because he was the heir to the entire military organisation, the crown prince, after all this blew over he would assume the commander's rank of the corporation.It had to be him because he had been here his entire life, he was the most valuable agent.

3 year old Neon stood at the window of the top of the orphanage, so far the first few years of his existence had been spent here and it was so boring, he had absolutely no friends here because he couldn't relate to anyone at all and the people who ran the orphanage simply couldn't figure him out, his intelligence was simply ludicrous, he was reading and writing at a first rate level and could perform multiple complex mathematical calculations in his head in seconds.His knowledge in science was advanced,he played strategy games at an elite level, his abstract thinking was through the roof, he comprehended real-world concepts seamlessly and was a virtuoso with intricate puzzles.

It wasn't just his intelligence that was off the charts, it was his athletic ability too.he only weighed 25 pounds yet could support 30 and he was able to climb tall climbing frames with ease, run faster then some adolescents and run long distances without tiring.Honestly it was a pity that he didn't have parents, anyone would have been proud of this child.Neon overheard a conversation between two of the women who worked the orphanage, they were talking about him."That poor boy doesn't belong here"
"I know but nobody will adopt him"
"I'm not talking about finding him parents I think we should send him to one of those gifted societies."
Neon felt a flicker of hope rise in his heart, perhaps if they decided to let him live in a organisation of geniuses then he would be able to actually find his place and not feel so lonely all the time.

Suddenly someone else joined the conversation and said something that even the gifted Neon had no idea would change his life forever."Someone is here and he wants to talk about Neon"
The 3 year old's eyes widened,somebody had noticed him and actually wanted to adopt him? what were they like, would they be loving and and supporting? Are they someone he would actually want to go and live with? Neon really engaged his ears now to try and gather as much info about this person as possible.

"Bring him in then" one of the women said and the lady who interrupted the initial conversation left the room and a few moments later, heavy footsteps could be heard as if a giant was walking inside the orphanage. "Hello, I have noticed the athletic and intellectual prowess of one of your orphans, Neon Riding and would like to discuss adopting him"
"What is your name sir?" A lady asked, the sound of fear inhabited her voice! because whoever  this was had a highly intimidating demeanor."Of course sir but first you need let us know your name."
"My name is irrelevant", the stranger replied, all you need to know is that if you let me walk away with the boy then I will bathe you,your families and this orphanage in more luxuries than you can fathom.

So this person was rich then but why was he so adamant in adopting him? suddenly Neon felt that something was seriously wrong and that was never a good sign, aside from being intelligent, he was also very intuitive.The women seemed to be curious in the stranger's determination as well but after a few more exchanges, Neon was finally called downstairs and he beheld the tall, hulking stranger that was a good four feet taller than him.

"Hello Neon riding"

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