Butterbeer Bliss

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"I’m such a dolt, Fuhrer. One of my friends could’ve forged the permission slip, but I had to go and blab about it to McGonagall first! Now if I turn up with a slip to her, she’ll obviously know it's a fake!” said Harry, burying a fist in the snow.

Fuhrer tried to comfort Harry by attempting to play, but had little success. The downcast Gryffindor boy sat huddled against a tree trunk, contemplating the choices he had made so far that year. If only he had been smarter! He sighed, stroking the giant dog’s head. No use crying over spilt milk now, I suppose…

Harry was beginning to feel cold, and was about to get up when he saw the Weasley twins pop up from behind a tree.

“Alas, we have found you, Mr. Potter!” said Fred.

“We have been looking for you for a while now.” explained George.

“We heard of the dilemma you seemed to be in.”

“So we decided to help you out.”

“Because it is our duty-”

“-As honorary elder brothers.”

“Okay… Just so we’re on the same page here, which dilemma are you talking about?” asked Harry.

“Why, the dilemma-”

“-Of your Hogsmeade slip-”

“-Of course.”

“And how would my honorary elder brothers help me out of this pickle? A ‘Confundus Bomb’ for McGonagall so she forgets I don’t have a slip?” chuckled Harry.

“No, but that’s a very good idea for a future product. George, note it down!” said Fred, raising his chin at George.

George mocked a salute, before whipping out a weathered notepad, scribbling the idea down. The twins then nestled themselves on either side of Harry on the ground, while Fuhrer watched on with curiosity.

“Dear Harry, behold, the instrument of our mischief.”

“The device fueling our antics.”

“The biggest gear in the engine of our shenanigans.”

“The catalyst of our tomfoolery.”

Harry watched carefully as George reached into his robes and pulled out an old piece of parchment. It was yellowed and slightly frayed at the edges. How could a piece of parchment be the secret to their pranks…?

“Ah, I see the quizzical look on your face, dear Harry-kins.” said Fred.

“This here, is the Marauder’s Map.” added George.

“An ancient artefact of numerous uses… It was a legend among the great pranksters of Hogwarts-”

“-And we nicked it from Filch’s drawer. Wonder why nobody looked there?”

Harry still had no clue exactly what the old piece of paper did. The name implied that it was some sort of map.

“A map, you say. A map of where, exactly?” asked Harry, intrigued.

“This, you see, is the map of Hogwarts.” said Fred, jumping to his feet along with George.

“The ENTIRETY of Hogwarts.” said both Fred and George in perfect unison.

“Okay… What’s so special about that?” asked Harry, unimpressed.

“This map-”

“-Shows the location-”

“-Of every single nook-”

“-And cranny in the castle.”

“It also shows-”

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