Little Surprises and Disappearances

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When Harry and Ron entered the Great Hall the next day (Hermione still upset at the both of them; Ron for the whole cat vs rat argument and Harry for ‘ditching’ them), the first thing they were met with were the Slytherins giggling and gossiping amongst themselves, gesturing over at Harry, no doubt back talking about the Dementor incident.

As Malfoy called out to him, Harry found his shoulders tensing up and preparing to be the butt of another joke. But before he could attempt one, Ron shouted “Sod off, Malfoy! And the rest of your posse too!” and wound a protective arm around him, dragging him off to the far end of the Gryffindor Table, out of sight from the irritating students.

“I didn’t get the chance to ask you yesterday, Harry; but are you alright? I heard about the Dementor thing. Pretty sure everyone has,” Ron winced, eyeing Harry sympathetically.

“I’m…” Harry said slowly, weighing his words, “Okay, I think. I’ve definitely been better but it wasn’t the end of the world-” though it certainly felt like it for a while “-and I think the chocolate that Professor Lupin gave helped.”

“You met him too? I think he was making rounds around the Train to make sure the students were alright. We were actually in the same compartment as him- Hermione and I.”

Harry frowned, contemplating, “Do you know how the Dementors were driven away? I didn't see anything.” Because I passed out, he added in his own mind, though Ron seemed to be aware of it anyway.

“Yeah, he shot this silvery sort of stuff out of his wand at the Dementor and it immediately fled,” Ron said, brightening at the change in topic. “Too bad we don't have any class with him today; he seems like a good teacher. Unlike the previous two teachers, that is.”

Harry chuckled as Ron playfully rolled his eyes, “Yeah, we have Divination and Transfiguration this morning and later, we split up right? Runes and Care of Creatures.”

“Yeah, we do,” Ron sighed. “First time we split up in classes, huh? Well, no worries I'll tell you all that happens,” he winked.

His mood much better now, he joined Ron in demolishing his breakfast and they made their way to the Divination classroom, high up in the East Tower.


“Well, that was a load of bull,” Ron scowled as Harry winced at the reminder. “Who does she think she is? Announcing that you would die?!”

“Ron! Quieter,” Harry hissed, glancing around to find their classmates giving them a wide berth, most of them still pale-faced from Trelawney’s frankly spectacular spectacle.

“Oh, I won't stay quiet at all,” Ron fumed, Hermione nodding at his side in solidarity.

“Divination sounds like a waste of time. Not to mention, it's completely illogical. There's no way the future can be predicted with such accuracy,” she sniffed imperiously. “I wonder if I can possibly let go of it.”

Ron, eyeing her warily, objected, “You heard her predict that thing about Neville! He did end up breaking a glass. I still question her decision to announce Harry's death though.”

Frowning, Hermione said, “It's not hard to look at Neville and think that he might break a glass, you know that.”

At the backhanded insult, Ron's eyebrows rose. “Er, if you say so. Hey, how are you meant to go to Arithmancy by the way? I saw your schedule earlier today and you have two classes at once! How are you meant to be in two places at the same time?”

Not paying any mind to the obvious change in subject, Hermione said, “Don't fret about it, I have my ways. Now if you'll excuse me, we have some time before Transfiguration begins and I'd like to prepare myself for it.”

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