Prologue: The Alternative Timeline

Start from the beginning

Huh? When did he have that in his pocket?

...Anyways Ike and Yamauchi sat right next to Sudo. Hirata also sat in the front with his girlfriend, Karuizawa Kei, who was clinging on his hands to the left of him while talking to a girl with upper-back length brown hair with blue eyes, Maya Sato, while another girl with long brown hair that has bangs to the right with blue eyes, Matsushita Chiaki silently listening into their conversation. 

Behind Hirata was a girl with indigo hair tied up in twin-tails and pink violet eyes, Mei-Yu Wang or Mii-chan. Right next to her was a girl with neck-length blue hair that has a pink hair-clip in the middle with bluish-pink eyes, Shinohara Satsuki. She was talking to her while Mii-chan sometimes peaks at Hirata.

Because I prefer solitude, I chose a seat towards the rear on the left. Surprisingly, my seatmate turned out to be Sakura Airi.

"Um h-hello Ayanokoji-kun," she stammered

"Greetings Sakura-san, how has your morning been?"

"It's been great..I'm just worry about this special announcement..hopefully it doesn't take too long"

"Indeed. While I appreciate the serene ambiance of the Auditorium, I would rather be in my dormitory"

"Me too..."

Sakura Airi doesn't speak at all to people, but it seems she has warmed up to me after my assistance with her involvement in the Class Trial against Class C and the resolution of her stalker predicament


Suddenly, a resonant click echoed throughout the whole Auditorium as a microphone activated instantly hushing the entire room.

Everyone look upon the stage to see a man who looks to be in his 40s casting a gentle smile while examining everyone

"Greetings to you all, you may remember me from the entrance ceremony, but if not my name is Sakayangai Narumori, also known as Chairman Sakayangai"

I wasn't paying attention to the entrance ceremony because I found it boring.

However Sakayangai...where have I heard that before?

"As you all know, each year from 1-3rd accumulating into around 480 brilliant students have gathered into the Auditorium to hear a special announcement. You're all wondering what exactly it is? To be truthful, I'm not the one who'll be telling you what it is, infact---

"Alright no more patronizing your "precious" students"

Suddenly, a man appeared from the shadows behind Sakayangai and swiftly seized the microphone from his hands nonchalantly.

Sakayangani did not appear mad from him taking the microphone away from, however he had a wry smile while looking at this individual.

This individual was an Asian man slightly around the same age and height as Chairman Sakayagngani with slicked-back black hair.

However the thing that made him stand out the most was his eccentric attire.

He was wearing a black suit and pants covered with chess pieces.

Pawns, Bishops, Knights, Rooks, Queen, and King all plastered across his outfit

Even his shoes had chess pieces on it too.

The Man look across the room eyeing and examining every single person in here

However, he glance at me for a mere second and a smirk appear on his lips


I don't want to jump to conclusions, but this chess-themed man might be associated with that Man.

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