Chapter 2: Kartik meets kairav

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Kartik picks up unconscious naira in his arms and places her on the couch on his cabin and wakes her up by sprinkling water..

Kartik: naira..naira.. please open your eyes.

Naira slowly wakes up and sees herself lying on couch and kartik staring her

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Naira slowly wakes up and sees herself lying on couch and kartik staring her..


Naira tries to get up but kartik stops her and helps her sit properly while naira gets astonished seeing this caring side of kartik..

Naira pov: i thought sir is rock in the form of human and i named him as khadoos as he always scold me and others too. But first time I saw him soft and caring..i never knew he has this side of character too..

Kartik: first relax naira. Don't need to be scared for me this much..I am just your boss not your teacher. Anyways.. what happened? Why did you panic suddenly? And you was panicking telling you know Akshat Kapoor already?

Naira pov: i can't tell the truth to sir that a guy named Akshat raped me and made me pregnant when i was just 18. I just got scared as i heared akshat name again after 5 years. But I am stupid..why would that akshat be here? I sent Akshat to jail..and how can a cheap guy can be a businessman? I think mr.akshat Kapoor is someone...i should not let myself go weak recalling the past. Even if the same Akshat comes..i have to be strong.

Naira: sir..woh.. actually..woh..

Kartik holds her shoulders and..

Kartik holds her shoulders and

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Kartik: relax naira. If it's so personal then i won't ask you..i was just asking you as you panicked on hearing his name. Anyways if you are uncomfortable with this meeting and process then you can ignore it. I'll do meeting and process the meeting along with mr.vikram with mr.Akshat Kapoor.

Naira:no's okay. There are many person in world named Akshat..this Akshat Kapoor may not be the guy whom i got panicked. So I'll proceed..

Kartik: are you sure? I don't want yourself get into trouble and also don't want any mistakes to occur in this meeting.

Naira: iam sure can trust me.

Kartik smiles while naira gets shocked seeing him smile..

Naira pov: kartik sir smiling? Am i dreaming or what?

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